Xie Lian blushed even more at that, and gave him a gentle shove: «San Lang, don't tease me», he pouted. Dividing the black hair in three identical strands, he started braiding it; not even that activity, however, managed to distract him from the mischievous aura surrounding his husband. He gave up: «Alright, yes. Just a little bit», was the admission.

After all, Hua Cheng was someone as captivating as the stories made him be. And Xie Lian didn't know those stories, so he found himself faced with that beautiful man without a single bit of gossip beforehand.

«It's not like I could have helped it», he complained, ready to turn that teasing in his favor. «You're too handsome for the eyes».

Hua Cheng choked on air he didn't even need, and Xie Lian tied his braid with a smug expression on his face. Point gained.

After he was done, Hua Cheng looked at his own reflection in the bucket of water in the corner, then turned back to Xie Lian with quirked brows. Xie Lian took a look and coughed; the braid was, if possible, even more crooked than before. That's what he got for trying to tease back.

«If you laugh, I'll make it even worse next time».

Of course, Hua Cheng laughed.

Xie Lian was just about to mess the braid up even more on purpose when, suddenly, there was a commotion outside. Sounds of footfalls approached and several loud bellows rang out.

«Great Immortal!!!».

Bewildered, Xie Lian ran to the door – curtain – just in time to see his shrine surrounded by a large crowd, everyone's faces red and excited. The village chief, upon seeing him, sped ahead towards Xie Lian and grabbed his hand, still screaming in his face.

«A god! A god has descended upon our small village! We are so thankful!!!».

«Welcome to PuQi village, Great Immortal!».

«My lord! Can you bless me with a wife?».

«My lord! Can you bless my wife with a child?».

«My lord! We have fresh water chestnuts for you! After eating, can you conveniently bless me with a good harvest this year?!».

The villagers were so enthusiastic and passionate that Xie Lian, terribly confused, had to take a few steps back, sweating. The old driver from the night before had a big mouth! Even if Xie Lian told him not to tell, the instant morning arrived news had already spread all around the village. Even Hua Cheng came out, looking half-amused and half-annoyed.

Seeing the building was now empty, even if the villagers had not a single clue about the kind of god worshipped in PuQi shrine, they still all crowded in wishing to light incense in a prayer. It didn't matter who it was, a god was a god and prayers did no harm.

With all that chaos, the incense Xie Lian prepared – which wasn't a lot, as he initially expected nothing more than tumbleweeds and silence – was gone in a second. The little incense burner was filled to the brim, heavy smoke enveloping the shrine. Xie Lian had not smelled the scent in a long time and he ended up choking on it.

«Everyone, this shrine doesn't bless you with wealth, please stop wishing for it!», he tried to intervene, raising a sleeve to his mouth in an attempt to block some of the smoke.

He tried even more, telling them that no, the shrine didn't bless with good marriage, and didn't grant pregnancies either. Hua Cheng, on his side, stopped caring about his sloppy hair – he secretly liked them, definitely – and sat next to the donation box, one hand propping up his chin and the other grabbing water chestnuts to eat.

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