Chapter 4: On the Run Again

Start from the beginning

“I… understand, but where am I meant to go? They know my human identity as well, and will be able to pick up my ecto-signature even in human form. I'll be a sitting duck,” The boy asked, fear in his eyes.

“Do not worry, Daniel. The Observant council does not plan on ‘selling you out’ so to speak. They have come to respect you, even if they do not like the way you came into existence. They have told me to inform you that Wulf is capable of conjuring portals to other dimensions. Should you ask him, he will send you to one that will keep you, and the rest of us safe from the AGA.”

Danny nodded thoughtfully, accepting what he was being told. But there was still something on his mind.

“What if, when they can't find me, they come for the rest of you? They may ignore you all if they have a chance at me, but I know they won't completely give up just because I'm unavailable.”

Clockwork gave a small smile, one that screamed ‘I know things that you don't’.

“Do not worry. Things will turn out as they should.”

The boy sighed, annoyed at being left in the dark again, but he decided to trust the Ancient Ghost.

“Ok, I'll trust you. When should I leave?”

“The sooner the better. It will give the Zone time to replace your Ecto-signature so that they cannot track you. I would suggest not staying here more than a week.”


Dani, Valerie, and Jazz looked at the halfa teen as if he had grown a second head.

“What,” The boy’s sister whispered, stunned and obviously upset.

“You have to leave,” Danny's clone asked, her tone sad and worried.

“Those bastards are still after you,” the Huntress snarled, fists clenched in rage.

Danny nodded, hands shoved in his hoodie pockets so that he wouldn't fidget with his fingers.

“I need to leave by the end of next week, ideally sooner to make sure they really don't end up tracking me down.”

“No,” Jazz barked, finally snapping out of her trance,” Absolutely not. I just got you back. I'm not losing you again.”

“Jazz you won't lose me. I'll come back when there isn't an immediate threat. You're more in danger of losing me if I stay. They will find me if I don't leave.”

“Then we will save you. Now that we know that it's them we can get you back,” Jazz argued.

Danny gave her a pleading look.

“Please, don't make me go back with them,” he whispered. The teen looked so small, like a scared child.

Jazz's eyes widened, seeing the fear in her little brother's eyes. Her heart broke at the look he gave her.

Danny still has yet to go into detail about what happened in that place, but that didn't mean she hadn't heard him talking in his sleep during a nightmare. Part of her didn't want to know, knowing that it would destroy a part of her, and she needed to be as whole as possible to help him through his trauma.

The girl stared into her brother's eyes, forgetting that the other two girls had yet to give their own two cents. They held each other's gaze for what felt like hours, but could only have been a few seconds.

Finally, Jazz sighed, nodding her head.

“Ok. But you and I are going to fix up the Fenton Phones so that we can communicate through the dimensions, and if that isn't possible then I will make Wulf be our postman.”

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