12 | Planted Seeds

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Fatima cleared her throat, recognizing this as a topic neither of them ever entertained. "Do you believe we'll ever fully heal?" she asked, locking eyes with Danni to convey the gravity of her words.
Danni stared blankly at Fatima before opening her water bottle and drinking a large amount of it. "Tonight's episode is over, good night, Fatima," Danni spoke as she stood up from the couch.

"Danni, come on!" Fatima whined as Danni walked in the direction of her room without turning back.

Fatima returned to her bedroom, where she tossed and turned in her bed, trying to fall asleep. She found herself reminiscing about the day Madam discovered she and Ian were in a relationship. Madam was livid and wanted to wipe Ian and his family off the face of the earth. Ian was supposed to be her secret bodyguard, but they became friends who found emotional comfort in each other and started dating. Fatima promised Madam that her relationship with Ian would not in any way affect her mission with the Tails project. After much pleading, Madam agreed and halted the orders she had already given to kill Ian's parents.

Friday - 08:12 pm
The Estate - Zac's Mansion

It was a slow day for Zac as he had missed his baby girl greatly. Although she had forgiven him and was now responding to his texts and calls, he desired more. He could tell there was still some tension and he needed to make sure the woman who put the biggest smile on his face had nothing to worry about. The previous night was no better; he missed her laying next to him, her sweet scent, and how she would randomly curl up under him in her sleep.

Zac felt butterflies in his stomach when Fatima notified him she would be coming over to the estate a few hours ago and he immediately set up a dinner date.
Fatima drove straight to the estate after she got off work. Zac prepared a warm bath for her and left her to enjoy it in silence while he went about preparing for the night.

"Zac you're feeding me too much," Fatima protested as she sat across the table from Zac

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"Zac you're feeding me too much," Fatima protested as she sat across the table from Zac. They were having dinner by the poolside. Zac hired a celebrity chef to prepare all of her favourite dishes, served her favourite wine, and decorated the area with candles and roses while soft music played in the background.
Zac had finished eating a few minutes ago and just sat back to watch his baby girl moan and dance in her seat as she ate hers. Being that everything on the menu was Fatima's favourite, and the Chef was the best in the city, she could barely stop herself from trying every meal he served and Zac wasn't the help she needed as he encouraged her to keep going.

"Don't worry about that baby, we can work it all out in the bedroom." Zac teased her with a wink.

"You nastyyyy."

"And you like it!" Zac took her hand in his, "Baby girl, I'm sorry. I will never intentionally hurt you, and I do not want you to doubt my commitment to you. I love what we have and the last thing I want to do is ruin it."

"I just don't like being blindsided, Zachary. You could have told me or left me a note or something. And then you went over there, kissed her and fell asleep cuddled up with her. Really?"

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