Chapter 82: The Mermaid Princess

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"Oh, we are so keeping them." (Y/N) smiled at the coral in Nami's hand.

"Now, forward!" Neptune commanded his whale and Megalo. The two swam through the water gateway as Neptune exclaimed his own name.

"It's fast!" Luffy laughed as he spoke. Nami added in. "This is fun, but I can't wait to see the palace!"

"I'm.. getting kind of nervous." Camie hugged Pappag in her arms as she stared up the water pathway. Pappag added in. "Yeah. I know, it would be life changing for me, too. Just think. What if this makes me even more famous?"

Brook stared at Pappag. "Interesting. So starfish can sweat!" (Y/N) giggles back at her friends before turning to look at the pathway. 'Fishman Island sure is incredible. I'm not so sure about the Fishfolk though.' (Y/N)'s smile slightly dropped when she remembered what those Fishwomen were whispering about. 'I shouldn't let it get to me. Maybe it was just those three anyways.'

Finally Neptune, the Straw Hats and their friends made it to Ryugu palace. Neptune spoke up first. "Jamon! We're here!" Everyone collectively 'ooh'ed the sight in absolute awe.

(Y/N) had a large smile on her face as she took in the scene around her. "It's truly breathtaking!"

"Woah! Those dragons are sweet!" Luffy exclaimed, staring up at the dragon statues around the palace. Brook quickly added in. "Pappag's house seems positively shabby in comparison." Pappag quickly yelled at Soul King to watch his mouth.

"Buy me one of these, Luffy!" Nami begged her captain. (Y/N) nodded her head in agreement. "And a second one for me, 'Capt!"

A few guards called out from the front of the palace. "King Neptune has returned! We were wondering where you ran off to! Hurry, let them in! Opening the gate!" The giant golden doors began to slowly open, revealing two long lines of royal guards. Once the crew was invited inside and off the shark, (Y/N) jaw slightly dropped from the welcome as all the guards chanted. "Greetings, your highness. Welcome back!"

Luffy ran up a few feet, throwing his arms into the air as he giggled. "Now this is gonna be fun!"

"Make yourselves at home. You are my honored guests." Neptune smiled at the Straw Hats. A sea horse Fishman yelled up at Neptune. "Not again! And you brought guests along! I've told you not to leave the palace on your own, but you don't listen to a word I say! If you can't take guards and you can't inform your staff, then you can't leave the palace and that's final!" Another older looking Fishman besides him joined in on Neptune's scolding. "Shame on you, sir!"

Neptune hung his head, clearly showing disappointment in his own actions. "Jamon! It won't happen again!"

(Y/N) wore a shocked look on her face. 'He got scolded?'

The sea horse Fishman continued. "There are so many countless ways this could have gone wrong. Our kingdom is in a volatile political state right now. Surely as its king, you realize that!"

(Y/N) turned her head to her captain when she heard his stomach growl. 'This boy loves food, huh?' Luffy looked back at Neptune with a pout on his face. "Can we just have the banquet already?" (Y/N) watched Luffy run off making a shocked expression on her face. 'Oh no. What's he up to?! That boy is gonna get us all in trouble.' (Y/N) quickly turned and ran after her captain.

"Luffy? Where are you going?" (Y/N) swam up behind her captain, but she was too far for him to hear. 'Oh you gotta be kidding me.' She watched as Luffy flipped around in the small air bubble he created. 'What caught his eye in the first place?' (Y/N)'s eyes lit up with berry signs. 'Maybe it was royal treasures?' She shook off her thoughts when Luffy bounced into another doorway. 'Woah. There's so many different corals and fish down here. I wish I could take some photos, but I don't know how much vision dial would work in water.' (Y/N) shrugged and continued after her captain. She tilted her head in confusion when he hit some type of air wall. (Y/N) quickly swam after him, in hopes to catch up, but a giant Fishman began to walk towards Luffy causing (Y/N) to grow anxious. 'We are so bust— Oh. Or he can just walk right past him and not notice him. That works too.' (Y/N) sighed in relief before allowing the Fishman to walk through the air bubble wall and into the path she just came from. She swam under the Fishman's food cart he was pushing and to the air wall. Pushing against it a bit, (Y/N) finally forced her way through and front flipped, landing on her feet. "That was easier than I thought." (Y/N) continued in the direction she saw Luffy walk off in. She looked up at all of the weapons in the wall of the building she walked past. "Interesting choice of design for a palace... Honestly, it's kind of creepy." (Y/N) heard a door creaking up up the path she was on. "That's gotta be Luffy." Finally she made it to the door, it was absolute covered in weapons. 'Geez. This looks more disturbing than the walls.' (Y/N) peaked her head in the open doorway, whisper yelling. "Luffy? Are you here?"

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