Chapter 82: The Mermaid Princess

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"Don't worry, as surely as they found him, my soldiers will find the rest of your crew and bring them to the palace." Neptune calmly explained as Usopp pulled himself and his crew mates back on the shark.

"That was too close for comfort." (Y/N) sighed before following Nami towards the front of the shark.

Luffy turned back when Nami peaked around the sharks fin. "Hey. Got any idea where everyone else went, Nami?"

"Oh uh..." Nami thought for a few seconds before (Y/N) interrupted. "Franky and Robin had a few things to take care of on their own and Nami and I went into town to shop." Nami nodded her head in agreement. "So, we split up again, but it wasn't a big deal. No trouble on your end, right?"

"Uh... Well, maybe an itty-bitty bit." Usopp sassed.

(Y/N) plopped herself back down on back of Megalo as Nami spoke up. "Hey, fish king, I have a question." Pappag jumped on Nami's head, biting down as he scolded her. "That's 'Lord Neptune, the God of the Sea' to you!"

(Y/N) blankly stared up at Pappag. "Welp. He's a goner."

After Pappag got a proper beating from Nami, she calmly asked Neptune. "If we're 10,000 meters below sea level, why is it so bright and sunny everywhere we go?" (Y/N) poked Pappag's body to see if he was still alive.

"Well, that's likely what our ancestors thought when they first arrived here." Neptune spoke with a light chuckle. (Y/N) stared up at Neptune in awe from his words. "This is the only place in the deep sea that light reaches. It is a glorious, glowing beacon for all of Fishman kind and has been for as long as anyone can remember. We owe it all to the giant Sun Tree, Eve, whose mighty roots stretch to these depths, carrying shimmering sunlight along with them."

"'Sun Tree?' So are its roots bioluminescent or does it just transfer sunlight from the surface?" Nami questioned back.

Neptune quickly replied. "The latter, it seems, though scientists have puzzled the specifics for ages. The respiration of its roots also supplies oxygen from the surface to our island. Regardless, we owe our entires civilization to this single, mystic tree."

Usopp looked over at Nami. "So, it's like the big brother, or in this case, big sister of the mangroves in Sabaody."

(Y/N)'s attention was grabbed when she heard a large growl in front of her. Luffy held his stomach. "Hey, hairy fish dude, I'm getting' hungry."

(Y/N) smacked Pappag down before he could run after Luffy. "Your attempts at trying to fix my crew's manners is getting old."

Neptune chuckled. "We'll be there soon."

(Y/N) smiled up at the giant air bubble above her. Luffy gasped in awe. "It's huge!"

"That's an understatement!" (Y/N) laughed at the sight.

The group traveled to a giant stone circle with a bubble inside it. "That's the entrance. Get ready." Neptune traveled up to a small button on the rim of the stone circle. After he spoke his name, the guard who answered the doorbell opened the gate to the palace. "Here. You'll want one of these." Neptune through two small pink corals down to Luffy and Nami.

Luffy looked at the coral in confusion. "Yeah, what is it?"

"It's a Bubbly Coral." Camie spoke up behind the captain. "It lets you make a little bubble whenever you want to."

"Land dwellers don't visit often, so much of the palace is submerged in water. We don't want anyone drowning." Neptune quickly explained.

Luffy and Nami clicked the ends of the coral, creating two large air bubbles. (Y/N) gasped in awe at the sight as the bubbles emerged together, around herself and her crew mates. Usopp happily exclaimed. "Can we take these as souvenirs?"

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