"Alright, spare me the details.", she whines.

"I wasn't going to say much more.", I continue. "Well, then we went to her place and after we- ", I clear my throat and Laura rolls her eyes. "Well, after I fell asleep on her chest.", I finish my sentence.

"Oh my god, that's so cute.", she squeals out and I feel myself getting a bit redder.

"In the morning, she made me breakfast and then drove me here. And that's it.", I finish my story.

"When will you see each other again?", she questions, well knowing, that we have not much time left in London.

"Remember, that we didn't get tickets for the champions league game on Wednesday?", I ask and unlock my phone.
"I wish I wouldn't.", Laura sighs.

"You wanna go with me? VIP Seats?", I show her my screen and the message from Leah. She reads it and grins.

"Of course, I will go with you, pillow princess.", she bursts out laughing and I look back at my phone in shock.

'Here you go 😊, Don't worry, I still don't think you're a pillow princess.', Oh no. I feel the heat increase in my head. I must be red as a tomato.

"Do I want to know, why she calls you this?", she asks as soon as she got her breath back.

"None of your business.", I shut her out.

"What did you do?", she questions curios. Great, now I have her full attention.

"Nothing.", I shrug her off.

"Yeah, right. That seems to be the problem here.", she notices.

"You said, you don't want details.", I don't want to have this conversation with her. "Let's just say, I still owe her something.", I finally say.

"So, there will be a second time?", she examines raising her eyebrows and smirking.

"Perhaps.", I answer but I have had enough of that cross-examination.

"Okay, okay, I'll be happy with that, for now.", she finally gives me peace again.

Wednesday arrives pretty quickly and Laura and I head to the Emirates. Leah sent me the tickets and said we should go to the VIP entrance, she put her name on the list. Leah and I hadn't seen each other the past week, mainly because she had a game in Brighton on the weekend and wanted to be prepared for champions league. I missed her already; how will it be once I am back in Germany? We texted the whole time though and Laura went to many sights with me, so that was a good distraction. Sometimes I think all of this was a bit fast, but it feels so good on the other hand.

We approach the security man and I show him our tickets.

"Ah, friends of Miss Williamson, your seats are on the left, front row, have fun.", he says and lets us in.

"Friends.", Laura mocks.

"Psscht, not here, please.", I say.

"Sorry", she replies, and we go to our seats.

The players walk out, and I smile as soon as I see Leah, however I do not dare to wave at her, I think that would be too much by now and Leah seems serious as well. Her game face is really sexy.

The champions league anthem plays, and I have goosebumps all over my body. Hearing it live is truly something else.

I take a few pictures and even post some of them on my Instagram story.

The game starts very even but Arsenal soon is the leading team. They end up dominating most of the game and get a comfortable 4-0 win.

After the final whistle blows, Leah and Alessia come over to us.

"Hey.", Laura and I greet them in sync.

"Good game.", Laura adds and gets smiles from both of them.

"Hope you enjoyed it.", Leah says, mostly to me.

"It was great, thank you.", Laura and Alessia clear their throat.

"We should go to the locker room, I bet you want to go home quick.", Alessia smirks at Leah.

"Yeah.", she speaks and leans over to me, so only I can hear her. "Meet me at my place in about an hour?", she whispers.

As she pulls back, I nod, and we say our goodbyes.

"So, I guess I have the room to myself tonight?", Laura asks.

"Seems so, yes."

I arrive at Leah's a bit early, so I decide to wait at the front door. I pull out my phone and check my dms.

charl.x.schmi: You seem happy in London – 13 minutes ago.

charl.x.schmi: I miss you – 2 minutes ago.

I sigh.

"Who is charl.x.schmi?", I jump and look at Leah who is standing behind me.

"Jesus, warn me next time.", I say, still catching my breath.

"Didn't you hear me?", she questions while unlocking the door. I shake my head and we go inside.

Once the door is closed from the inside, Leah kisses me softly.

"I missed this.", I smile into the kiss.

"Me too.", Leah says, then lets go off me. "So, who's charl?", she asks grabbing an apple.

"Do you want the long story or the short one?", I sigh.

"I would prefer the short story for tonight."

"Okay, short story: my ex-girlfriend. We broke up 6 months ago.", I explain.

"And why does she miss you?", she questions eating her apple.

"I have no idea.", I answer truthfully.

"Did you break up with her?"

"No, she broke up with me, why does it matter?", does she think I'm not over her? Because I definitely am. It hurt, yes but in the end, I realised that it was the right thing.

"I'm just asking.", I walk over to her now and kiss her.

"Don't worry, she is not a threat for you.", she smiles now.

I intensify our kissing. After all, I owe her something. We make out for quite some time when she stops our kissing.

"Is everything okay?", I look at her in confusion?

"Yeah, yeah, it's just...", she looks down for a second. "I just played 90 minutes and I want to be fair to you, I wouldn't enjoy it right now.", she gives me a short kiss. "How about I order us some pizza and we have a little game night?", she suggests.

I smile at her, nod and kiss her shortly. "Sounds great."

you got me in love againWhere stories live. Discover now