You didn't tell her?

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Leah and I spend the rest of Sunday watching another film and eventually ordering dinner.

"The weekend went by too fast.", I say while we eat in the living room. "I know. The time until May seems so long.", Leah groans. I scoot over to her and gently kiss the top of her nose. "I know baby, but we will make it through.", she nods.

"I know, it's just I miss you already."

"Me too, hopefully the time until then flies. And maybe I will have news about moving to London until then."

"I hope so."

The next morning, we get up early so we can spend a little bit more time together before Leah drives me to the airport at noon. I'm a bit early for my flight, but Leah has training in the afternoon and didn't want me to get an uber.

"You don't have to carry my luggage every time.", I laugh as Leah puts it in a closet I rented.

"We already had this conversation. I carry when my girlfriend visits.", she clarifies and pulls me in for a kiss. "Sorry we have to say goodbye even earlier.", she whispers as she pulls back.

"It's okay, it's not your fault.", I reassure her. "But will you take me to one of the diners?", I ask and tilt my head. Leah smiles and interlocks our fingers with a smile.

"I guess you'll pass the time by drinking some tea?", Leah says as we arrive in front of the diner. "Or will you eat something as well?"

"I think I will only drink a tea, I'm still full of breakfast and Laura and I will meet up for cake when I land.", I explain. "Wait, how do you know I will drink tea? I've always drank coffee when I was with you.", I wonder.

"I have noticed your face every time you drink coffee.", she laughs. It's true. I hate coffee. I only drank it because I'm usually the only one who doesn't like it. "I only wish you would have told me. I don't like coffee as well. I just drank it because of you", Leah says, and we both burst out laughing.

"So, no coffee from now on.", I chuckle and look her in the eyes. I get lost in them.

"I don't want to, but I have to go.", Leah reveals sadly after a while. "I don't want you to go.", I say and pull my arms around her. We both sink into the hug a bit before I utter something again. "But I also don't want you to be lectured by your coach.", I chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'm a big girl.", she chuckles and kisses me. "But I should go anyway, or I will never let you go.", she says and hugs me tight again. "I love you."

"I love you.", I answer and force myself to let go of her. I kiss her one last time before I let go for good. "I will go into the diner now before I stay here.", I chuckle. "And you will drive to the training ground."

"Yes, sir.", she salutes, and we both laugh. "Text me when you land. I love you."

"I love you.", we both say before we turn around and walk into opposite directions.

After I landed back in Germany, I put my suitcase in a locker at the airport and text Leah that I got here safely before I head over to the café where I'll meet up with Laura.

I open the door and already see Laura sitting in the back but not seeing me yet. I walk over to her.

"Hey", I expression once I'm close enough. "Hey", she smiles, stands up and pulls me into a hug. "Good to see you.", she says while losing the hug. "How's Leah?", she asks while we sit down. There is already a cup of coffee for her and a hot chocolate for me on the table. I like how much Laura knows me.

"Better than yesterday.", I laugh. "She was really hungover after her birthday party.", I take a sip of my hot chocolate. We are here quite often. They have the best hot drinks in town.

"So, you had fun, I suppose.", she smiles. "Yeah.", I nod. "Leah drank too much and didn't recognise me.", I chuckle.

"Oh my god.", Laura says in disbelief. "How terrible."

"It was actual really sweet."


"Well, I wanted to kiss her when we went home and she said that she has a girlfriend she really loves.", I explain. "Wait? Love.", Laura asks, and her eyes widen as she smiles. "You said it?"

"We said it.", I smile like a little child on Christmas. "That is so cute. I'm really happy for you two. You look very in love.", Laura gives me a genuine smile.

"We are.", I beam while saying that. Because we are. With Leah I am happier than I was in a very long time.

"Does she know about your illness?", Laura asks all of a sudden and I curse her for that. I don't want to be reminded of that time. I shake my head. "And I won't tell her."

Laura sighs. "Marie. I'm worried if she doesn't know. You never went to therapy and", she pauses. "Do you still take your meds?"

"Of course.", I lie. I haven't taken my meds in months. I feel better without them. "Lau, it's cute you're worried but I'm fine.", I try to reassure her.

"You are happy?"

"Yes, I am incredibly happy."

"No nightmares?", she asks, and I think back to Friday night. The night Leah woke me up because I had a bad dream. "None.", second lie. Laura looks at me, about to say something but doesn't. She knows I lied. She also knows I'm a stubborn idiot.

"Will you at least tell her about your illness? Not the details but I would be calmer if she knew.", she sighs.

"Maybe. I don't think I will.", I answer truthfully this time. "Anyway", I change the topic. "I sent out my application for the job in London.", I smile.

"The one you wanted before your dad died?", Laura asks, and I nod. "I have a reason to be there now."

"You sure have. Leah is really good for you.", she says drinking her coffee.

"Wow.", I express. "What?", she looks at me confused. "You never said that about Charlotte or Josie.", I notice. She didn't like any of my girlfriends or situationships. I genuinely believed she wouldn't like anyone I will ever date.

"I see how you look at her and vice versa. Don't let her go. Ever. Don't fuck it up."

"I won't. You don't even believe how much I love her."

"Oh, I do.", she assures and puts her cup down on the table. "There is actually something I wanted to ask you."

you got me in love againOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant