Falling for you (Ona Batlle)

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I did it.
I did what every beginner gay girly do.
I fell in love with my best friend.

It all started when I got my call up for Spain 2022 euros squad. I didn't knew Ona before since we never really talked on national camps and due the fact that we played for different clubs, she played for man united and I played for Barcelona.

In the euros we were selected to be in a room together. At first we didn't really talked, just casual 'how are you' and 'good morning/night' but during the tournament we developed a bond and we talked a lot. It was like we knew each other for years.

When the tournament ended we were pretty sad that we won't be able to be with each other all of the time but we promised to talk every day, and so we did. Every day we talked multiple times and each night before bed we face timed each other.

I always thought about Ona through my day but I never made a big dill about it.

With the progress in our friendly relationship my thought about her grew. At first it was 'oh I wish Ona was here' and I talked about her to my friends and family all of the time. But that's what friends do right? That's what I thought, but then, it got weirder.

I started thinking to myself 'oh I wish I was a man so I could have date Ona and live with her'.  Then it became 'I wish I could kiss Ona'. I used to look at her socials more, try to call her any chance I could and meet her as much as possible. Then I started to realize, I am falling in love with her, I'm actually gay. It's not that I never had a crush on a girl, it's just that all of them were famous and I was sure that everyone thinks like me and that it was just a faze. But when it was a real person, that I know, it became real to me too. Ona were, is, my gay awakening for real.

At first I tried to ignore my feelings and push them away. I tried to full myself to thinking that I don't like her as more then a friend but it never worked. It was very hard, especially when the fans had shipped us too. Every day I was tagged in lots of videos on TikTok and posts on Instagram of us. I hurt a lot.

Then, I started hinting her about my sexuality, as much as I could. Believe me, the closet was clear, but she never realized that.

Then it started getting more and more herder for me to be with her. I felt like every second that we are together but just as friends, without telling her how I feel was a waste. Every hug or touch that we had reminded me that I couldn't touch her how I wanted to. It got even worse when Ona was rumored to date people, which happened a lot. I knew, that for our best favors, I needed to stay away from her for a while.

I didn't really knew what or how to do so I did what I always do when I need an advice, go to my best friend. Usually, I will talk to Ona, but since it is about her, I talked to my other best friend, Aitana. I knew Aitana from Barcelona's academy and when I joined Barcelona again for the women's first team we became inseparable.

I tolled her everything. How Ona and I met again at the euros and became close again, how I fell in love with her and about the fact that I really don't know what to do.

Both Aitana and I didn't knew Ona's sexuality or if she likes me so we agreed that it will be better to take space for a while, not something big, just less close.

I started doing it but it still was hard for me. With Aitana's advice I took a bigger space until we practically fell apart.
*jump in time from the end of 22/23 season to the start of 23/24 season

"Y/N wake up now" Aitana said to me panicking as she entered my room
"Have I over slept?" I asked as I turned around to look at the time on my phone "wtf Aitana it is four in the morning!" I said to her angrily as I flopped onto my pillow
"This is about Ona, s- she- um" Aitana said slowly, clearly this is something serious
"Just said it" I said in a broken voice
"She is signing for Barcelona" she said

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