❝𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄❞ beach party

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As I said, it happened, me and Sarah met on the hill, but she didn't come alone. She brought her boyfriend, her friend Rafe, with her. I didn't like him, and he didn't like me either. From this hill we had a view of the entire party, from the very beginning I saw my little brother having a great time and handing out beer to everyone with JJ.

-Did you have to drag him here? - I asked, whispering in Sarah's ear so that Topper wouldn't hear anything. The girl also looked not very happy about this fact. But she suddenly perked up, pointing to one of the boys standing in the crowd. - This one is nice, what do you think about it? - I frowned, analyzing the brunette's appearance, he was nice, but not my type.

I nodded, and the blonde continued to look for a candidate for a new boyfriend, it's strange that she chose only the ones from the hole. She didn't point to any of the eight. Suddenly, her eyes caught the tall blond man standing next to... My brother?

- What? That blond guy? - I asked, pointing to the same boy, Sarah nodded, and I looked at her with a terribly serious expression. - This is JJ, my brother's friend. There is no option.

- Oh come on, you didn't even try. - She said, forming her mouth into a horseshoe. I rolled my eyes at Maybank.

- Are you so sure? Why do you think John B doesn't like it when I'm around? - I asked, hugging my lap and resting my chin. Without even looking at the girl, I knew her mouth had dropped open in shock.

- I thought it was because of my brother. - Partly yes, but mostly because of JJ. We were doing great until Rafe came into my life and I wanted to try something new. And that was the biggest mistake. I shouldn't have broken up with JJ for some unstable asshole.

I sighed quietly, getting up on straight legs and heading towards the beach. The road was short and quite quickly I got to the ocean where Maybank was already standing with two red cups full of alcohol. To my surprise, he approached me.

- Hello Princess. - I looked at him, not knowing what he meant, but he quickly dispelled my doubts by holding out one of the cups to me. - Will you drink with me? - The boy actually pressed the plastic cup against my body.

- JayJ.. - I pushed the drink away from me, looking at the slightly drunk blonde.

- Leave her. - Topper ran up to me, followed by Sarah, trying to calm him down.

- I'm not talking to you. - JJ didn't even look at Thornton and kept pushing alcohol into me. Top poured the contents of the cup onto the blonde, which made him angry and they started punching each other.

My brother ran up to us, separating the two, but Top did not calm down and changed his opponent, starting with John. I started shouting at the boy, but he didn't listen to me and started melting his hair. Regardless of the consequences, I ran towards the two, trying to separate them.

- Top, stop it! - I screamed at him in a pleading voice and salty tears came to my eyes, I couldn't watch my brother being waterboarded. - You're going to kill him. - I started sobbing and then JJ came over to the three of us.

- Yes, you know what Top is. - The boy smiled strangely, holding the gun to the attacker's head. I was terrified to see JJ like that.

- Don't do that... - I muttered under my breath, getting up from the water. I walked up to Maybank and gently moved him away from the other boy who had already let go of John b.

- Jude, you didn't need to come here. - I couldn't look at the blonde, not after seeing him like that. I saw Rafe's reflection in him. Their characters were not at all similar, but their problems were identical. I helped my brother get up, who, seeing who was helping him, immediately moved away from me.

- Leave. - After everything I did for the guy, he didn't want to see me. I felt like crying. I stared at the two of them for a moment, luckily for me, I quickly recovered and ran from the beach. Sarah started shouting something else behind me, but I couldn't understand anything.

The Cameron house was so far from the burrow, and the tears streaming down my face made my vision completely blurry. I stopped by a tree, I had no idea where it was, but I needed to cool down quickly. Too many emotions for one day.

Shortly after my stop, I heard a car approaching from the right, and out of habit, I immediately looked in that direction. It was a black newest Mercedes SUV. Fucking Rafe's car. I pushed myself off the tree bark as a car stopped in front of me and my boyfriend got out.

- What are you doing here? - I asked when he stood in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest.

- Why were you at the minnows' party? - He ignored my question and asked his own. Standard.

- Because my brother is one of them? - I looked at him expressively, not wanting to continue talking. I was tired and my eyes hurt from crying.

- Were you crying? - He asked another question that I didn't feel like answering, so I ignored him. - I asked a question. - he said and I looked away, I didn't want to look at him now. After a while, however, I felt the boy's strong arms wrap around my waist. - Sorry.

A simple gesture and a stupid apology made me cry again, soaking my gray T-shirt. He didn't seem angry about the situation, just worried. I don't know what happened to him, did he hit his head or something? They replaced Rafe? Because he wasn't the one I knew. Unless he decided to change, which I sincerely doubt. It's not easy to change from a psychopathic asshole to the walking ideal he was from the very beginning. He was nice to me, caring, he didn't take drugs, and most importantly, he didn't take it out on me mentally or physically.

Suddenly I felt his strong hand grab mine and pull me into the car and into the passenger seat. The boy helped me get in and fasten my seat belts. Sam sat in the driver's seat instead. Seeing my tearful face, he handed me a pack of tissues that were lying on the back seats. I pulled one out and blew my nose and wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks. I was sure that all my makeup had smeared, my mascara had definitely run off when I was crying. I felt Rafe's eyes on me for a moment, and soon after he started walking towards the house. I was afraid to speak up, I didn't know what to do. It was the first time in a long time that I saw him behave like this, he rarely hugged me or apologized.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊, Rafe Cameron [english]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin