I know I was happy once

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When I fade away, 

Be that now or a lifetime away, 

I know that I was happy once.

I crave death to escape the pain

Everyday I stake my claim

And somehow quietly retract my request.

I don't know if I can stay strong forever

Sometimes I fear I will recover never

Just like you fear too.

But those days on the beach, in the sand

My head on your shoulder, my hand in your hand

That was the day I was happy I didn't die. That was the day that made all the agony worth it.

And now as the world gets forever darker, where I keep losing hope

It is your name to the empty room I manage to choke

I miss you. I want to see you again. I want to feel the sun on my skin and your lips on my lips. I want to sit in comfortable silence. I want to place my hand on your arm. I yearn. 

And yearning is a feeling only the living are allowed to feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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