21. Shivani

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"Woah........you guys are made for each other....don't say no, karlo shaadi, vaise bhi na hi tujhse koi pat raha aur na tujhse"

One day he'll be brutally murdered and you will know who to blame.

"Can a person be completed surrounded by guys and realize that
First god made women, with all his heart then he mad animals....some cute some dangerous and when he was tired he made men......isiliye dimaag ki kammi hai tum logo mein"

(You all lack brains for real)

"Guys I think we should stop your brother sister banter and think about how we are going to get out of this situation"
Advit spoke stopping me and shivaansh from arguing further

"I can't think.....i am hungry...I need food"
I sat down the the couch in front of the bed in the hotel room

"Haan, go advit, tell the room service ki maharani aayi hai vo chapan bhoog ka intezaam kare"

(Yes, go advit, tell the room service the queen is her, they should prepare on big dinner for her)

This guy will actually die today.

"Mister shivaansh malhotra I think we have a bigger problem on our hands....how am I supposed to marry her, you know what our situation is"
I didn't knew advit could be sensible, what kind of bestfriend does he have.

"Yea...I don't want to marry this guy  brother"
A hungry me is killer for real.
She keeps roasting people....I love her

"Yea.....me neither"

"Why are you saying no, I am supposed to say no...have you looked at me.....I will be saying no...because you can't, how can someone say no to me"

Oh god what am I saying, I need food.

"Bhai khaana mangwa iske liye...she'll go mad"
Shivaansh was right, I'll definitely go mad if I don't get food right now.

(Brother order her some food..she'll go mad)

Advit dialed the room service and we ordered so burgers and fries and he'll yes I was satisfied and my stomach was satisfied.

"Can we actually talk about the situation now"
A worried advit said looking at me
Bro why you so worried, well who am I to ask when I myself am worried.

"Yea, she said she'll not take no as an answer...what.....do we do?"

Shivaansh was stuffing food in his mouth while he didn't know his next words will actually bring me to realize that this Is all not a joke, it's for real.
My mother really wants me to get married to advit
"Just get married...."

Advit and I shared a quick look and then he said

"Yea right, am I supposed to get married to my ex girlfriend from six years ago, are you for real?, shivaansh"

"Bro, aadi they won't take no as an answer, why do you think the whole family is here, they want you to get engaged now...like in a few days"

Both me and my to be fiancé which I don't want him to be spoke together.

"They planned all of it and now they are just informing us like bro it's my life"

"The only thing we could do now is actually go talk to them and you mister shivaansh will not come only me and shivani will go and talk...we have had enough of you"

Advit said giving me his hand which I gladly took and proudly said

"Yes we'll go and not you.."

"Well some things never change, even after six years"
Looking at our hands he muttered under his breath shoving another burger in his bloody mouth.

We got out of the room and I suddenly realized I was holding his hand and so quickly left it.

"Why were you holding my hand"
I asked looking at him confused

I-- dunno.......we....should just go talk"


"Mom how can I get married to him"

"Mom how can I get married to her"
Why are we suddenly saying everything together
I seem to be really confused about everything.

"God mumma...I need to talk to radhika where is she??"

"She was visiting a friend...she'll be herr anytime"
My mother finished saying that and I hear the door open and it was radhika.

"Oh god shivi....how much I have missed you"
She said standing at the door with open arms

I went an hugged her

"You don't know how much I have missed 'You' "

From the corner of my eye I saw advit smiling.
Smiling at what he was?
At me?
At her?
If her, why was he smiling at her?
Why her not me?

God I should stop thinking, he is my ex after all.

"Se you all can chit chat later, day after tomorrow is your roka....just get ready"
Advit's mother told him in an authoritive tone and shoved the 3 of us out of the room"

"Your stupid idea of talking to our mothers didn't work after all, did it advit"

"Ok fine let's get married...."
His words completely shocked the hell out of me like what.
Just now you wanted to get away from me and now you wanna get married.


"Yes..let's just agree to them"

"You broke up with me, I didn't and now you want to marry me"
I looked at him really confused

"Can't you see, my parents are pressurizing me and also i have a plan.."
I could see the golden specks in his eyes
They appear only when he thinks his idea or his thinking or him as a whole is brilliant.

Narcissistic bitch


The four of us were sitting
sitting in the hotel room depressed while my gaze was only stuck on him, hoping he would say something atleast.
And then he finally spoke.

"We should get engaged and after 3 or 4 months I'll dump you...tab tum behoosh hona, rona and then curse me a hell lot of times......she won't get you married to a man like me then"

We should get engaged and after 3 or 4 months I'll dump you...then you be dramatic and cry and faint and curse me a hell lot of times......she won't get you married to a man like me then

He spoke the whole thing as if he was giving a presentation in his office meeting.

"Yeh, tujhe kya lagta hai movie chal rahi hai. Dil dhadakne do or what."
My brother was right on this

(Yea, what do you think is going on her..a movie?. Dil dhadakne do or what)


Forgive me if there are any typos I wrote in a hurry since you guys wanted a double update

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