09. A Work Of Fiction.

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❝― I am caged behind the bars of fate

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❝― I am caged behind the bars of fate

but I'm certain, I'll fly out of it soon.


"A few drops of mint and ginger extracts, and..." (Y/n) muttered to herself as she used a dropper to drop a few drops of mint and ginger extracts into the conical flask filled with a golden colored liquid which liberated a smoothing aroma into the air in the room. 

Stirring it slightly, she was able to notice the slight color change which indicated that the medicine was finally prepared. "It's done!" The lady proudly huffed as she took two little bottles and poured the medicinal concoction into it. 

Tightly sealing the lid of the bottle, (Y/n) wrapped it carefully and placed it into a box filled with multiple other bottles that were similar to the ones she had just packed. Wiping the beads of sweat on her forehead with her arm, she looked at the multiple boxes of medicines that she had packed  throughout the entire morning, leaving a proud huff escape her lips. 

"Julia, could you have these boxes delivered to Poisson?" (Y/n) asked the head maid who was sealing the boxes with tape. Julia was quite confused as she was usually the one who managed the delivery of medicines to clients but she wasn't aware of any orders from Poisson.

 "Poisson? M'lady?" She inquired with curiosity as she raised her eyebrows.(Y/n) was removing her laboratory gloves as she opened the disposal bin by stepping onto the pedal.

 "Count Callas had written me a letter informing that the people around Poisson had lately been sick while the flu season is quite far from beginning." The lady paused as she disposed of her gloves and mask into a trash can. 

Quickly turning around on her heel, she faced the head maid with a serious look on her face. "The symptoms included body aches, fever, common cold and more which leads me to believe, it is no simple sickness. Nonetheless, if we can supply medicines to help them, we may possibly stop an epidemic, who knows? Germs are quite unpredictable, you see." (Y/n) replied back as she shrugged and washed her hands. 

Julia was worried as she got up from the floor, patting any dust off her dress. "I understand m'lady. I'll have this done swiftly. Would you like to have some tea meanwhile?" 

(Y/n) pondered for a second before she swiftly opened her notebook to check her schedule. A smile formed on her face as she replied, "Not now, I suppose. I have a friendly reunion to attend." 


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