"Thank you" she could've sworn he went slightly pink , but she didn't have time to ponder much on it before hurrying off to Herbology.

Herbology was spent with Sophia and Hermione sat between Harry and Ron awkwardly trying to gage a conversation between the four of them, it wasn't fun.

Care of Magical Creatures meant having to deal with her brother, as expected he made snide comments toward Harry. Which only annoyed them.

They were told they'd be walking Skrewts. Sophia didn't like the sound of this but did it nevertheless.

As she passed Cedric, he had a crowd of girls fawning over him, Sophia laughed slightly,

"Help Me" he mouthed to her as he continued to be swarmed,

"See you in potions" she smiled at Harry and Hermione before running over, "hey Ced" the girls all stared at her, eyes wide.

"Soph! Hi!" Annoyed they all stalked off, she carried on laughing, "it's not funny, it's terrifying. You know one of them asked me to sign their bag. We've had lessons together since first year" she continued laughing,

"Oh I'm sorry but it is too funny" she said in between fits of laughter,

"You know, I'm kind of wishing the ruse was still alive right now" she gave him an almost sorrowful look, they couldn't restart that ruse, she was so close to getting Fred,

"Ask Cho out, she's bound to say yes" he looked down,

"I want to wait until the time is right, but these fangirls are really annoying me" Sophia smiled,

"You'll survive, you're a champion Cedric" he laughed slightly and then offered to walk her to her lesson, she accepted and they continued their conversation. Whilst they walked, she noticed Fred see them as he entered his lesson, a glare on his face, Sophia quickly tried to forget that event.

Draco wore 'Potter Stinks' badges which also showed their support for Cedric in potions, as did his lackeys. But Sophia tried to ignore it, until Draco called Hermione a Mudblood once more, but Harry beat her to an attack, his curse missed and hit Goyle, whilst Draco's hit Hermione.

Sophia instantly attempted to check on her, her teeth were growing at an alarming rate, Sophia's eyes widened in horror and she was about to attack Draco when Snape appeared,

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron shouted, but Snape looked at her teeth said,

"I see no difference" Hermione ran off crying and Sophia prioritised finding her over insulting Snape,

"Oh 'Mione!" She called and kept running after her best friend, Hermione rushed into a bathroom, her teeth had stopped growing. Sophia pulled her closer and hugged her tight, "you want me to to kill Snape? Because I will" she rubbed her best friends back, Hermione laughed slightly.

They spent the rest of the day in the Hospital Wing,

Sophia found it quite funny that Rita Skeeter had reported that Harry was, 'torn between two stunningly pretty witches', Pansy had made some rude comments about Hermiome which caused Sophia to hex her, she got away with it.

A few weeks later, Harry told Sophia he was meeting with Sirius and that she should come, because he wanted to see her too,  he'd also told her the first task was dragons,

Sirius reminded her Karkaroff was a Death Eater and she also face planted herself, how could she have missed that.

Sirius told them about everything he'd been suspicious of, he'd been about to tell Harry how to beat the dragons, then Ron had come down the stairs,

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