EPILOGUE (updated)

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December 14th, 2023 – exactly 1 year, 8 months and 8 days since we met, but who's counting? Here I was, standing before the stairs of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in a navy blue dress, the tool covering the silhouette of the silk loosened on the top.


^^ searched high and low for a dress I liked + wouldn't be too similar to Leah (Annabeth Chase) and Leena's (Walker's older sister)

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^^ searched high and low for a dress I liked + wouldn't be too similar to Leah (Annabeth Chase) and Leena's (Walker's older sister). If you don't like it, well that's TOO DAMN BAD.

I pulled out the piece of card from my matching bag, the words 'Walker Scobell – Plus One', written in golden cursive writing. Each starring actor of Percy Jackson and the Olympians were allowed one Plus One aside from your family. Fortunately for me, Walker had invited me as his. However, due to the promotional team for the show, Walker had been busy for the past few hours, which resulted in me tagging along with his family for the time being.

"Let's walk up and take a picture, it'll be beautiful." Pete Scobell, Walker's father suggested, beckoning his family and I up the stairs for a photo. I felt out of place – like I was intruding, but Leena and her mother assured me it was a pleasure to have me.

We took our stances, Heather Scobell holding onto her children whilst I stood next to Leena, scooting slightly closer to her so it wouldn't look too awkward. I gave a small smile for the camera, before noticing Pete's body language. His eyebrows were moving more than usual, as if he was communicating with someone. I mindlessly tilted my head, but something else distracted me from Pete's weird behaviour. A hand slipped onto my waist, and a picture was taken. I turned around to see a gleaming Walker, smiling for a picture.

"Walker!" I exclaimed, giving him a sudden hug. He returned it, laughing as his other family members turned to see him.

"Hey! Good to see you looking so... nice." He grinned, his hand on my bare shoulder, warming it up. He wore a navy blue blazer with a black blouse inside, probably the exact same outfit he wore a year ago; it felt like filming together all over again.

"Is that all you've got to say about my outfit? Really? I spent so long curating it to match you." I joked, my words dripping with sarcasm.

"Okay, let me rephrase that," he began, clearing his throat and stiffening his back, "It's splendid to see you here tonight, darling. You're looking spectacular, like you belong in the Metropolitan Museum of Art." He ended off with a proud smirk, as if he'd scripted this interaction in his head prior to this moment.

"Now that's more like it." I chuckled, my eyes trailing down to the messed up hem of his blazer. I reached out for it, tucking in the fabric sticking out and straightening the blazer for him. I could feel his gaze fixated on my hands, then to my face which I knew for a fact was starting to redden.

"There. Now, people won't think you're a total joke." I said, patting his chest, looking back up at him. It was abnormal having to crain my head up to look at the boy. It felt like it was just yesterday that he was 4'11, now he stood at a good height of 5'8.

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