ch.1 the introduction

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(⚠️AUTHORS NOTEEE⚠️ we just wanted to give a key of sorts to some of the abbreviations!
Y/n = your name
E/c = eye color
H/c = hair color)

After reading the invitation, you decided it would be a good idea to talk with some old friends... and other people. As you thought, that boy Peter popped into your head. Your friends would always tease that he had a crush on you. I mean, it did seem like it. He practically followed you around like an obsessed dog, even though he never really talked. His actions spoke much louder than his words ever could have. He was a little gothy, and no one talked to him. In fact, a lot of people were scared of him, even some teachers. He was very controversial. There were always rumors of him floating around the halls, and they were never good. So that's how everyone knew him, as whatever rumor they had heard first. You never really got involved in them, but from your own experiences, he was just a strange, obsessed emo kid. But he's most definitely changed since then... right? He must have matured or something, got a wife? Something like that.

You began reading the invitation in further detail, soaking in all the information. 'This event will be held in the C-hall Cafeteria, Friday, February 2nd, 2023. Please RSVP in advance to claim your ticket! See you there, Wildcats!', Below the letter, there was a link to RSVP through email. You thought about it for a moment, taking a chance to be logical. You haven't spoken to any of your old high school friends. What if they weren't going to be there? What if your old friends and former acquaintances don't recognize or remember you? Thousands upon thousands of thoughts raced through your brain, but you could always leave the reunion if you got embarrassed or uncomfortable. You decided to take the chance and RSVP before the tickets ran out, if they even could.

You clicked the link, as it took you to a website to fill out some basic info: name, year of graduation, etc... All the basics. It didn't take you long at all to fill it all out. You hit submit and reread the message one last time before you shut your laptop and placed it on your coffee table. You looked up at your blacked-out TV as you stared at your hazy reflection, considering how much you had changed. Even though it wasn't much of a difference at all, your hair was a bit longer and you didn't have braces anymore. But aside from that, you looked about the same. You were also a smidge taller, but you still wouldn't consider yourself tall by any means. You were only 5'3 now, and your other classmates will probably tower over you. You stood up from your couch and went up to your bedroom. It was starting to get late, so you got under your blankets and dozed off.

A few days later, you were doing your regular picking up, preventing your house from turning into a pigsty, and you heard your phone abruptly start blowing up. Irritated, you walk over to your phone and check out the spontaneous spamming. You notice it's a random group chat you have been added to. You scroll to the top of the group chat to see the message: 'Sup Wildcats! This group chat has been made to do the following: keep track of the RSVPs, chat and do a little catching up, etc. If for whatever reason you suddenly can't attend this event, please contact Cherrywood High School. Thank you! P.S. Please know this group chat must stay mature, so refrain from using disturbing, offensive, derogatory, or inappropriate topics.' You read the initial text from the school with close attention, but you had no interest in speaking to people right now, so you muted the group chat and left it at that.

After you were done cleaning, you slumped back down on your couch, grabbed your remote, and clicked through the channels until you settled on the news. As the same old weather report played in the background, you grabbed your phone and scrolled up to the top of the group chat and saw all the unrecognizable phone numbers. They all just stated their names and made small talk, assuming that they would save all of the life drama for the actual meeting. As you scrolled through the texts, the news reporter spoke, 'and again, another girl in Cherrrywood is missing, still following the same description as the others.' You looked up from your phone as your eyes landed on the TV just in time to see about 5 pictures of girls with the same long (y/n h/c) and (y/n e/c) as you, and each other. Your eyes widened as your full attention was on your TV. 'These are just 5 of the 16 girls that have gone missing over the last four months. As you can see, they all have similar features such as hair and eye color. Police have been searching and trying their best to find the reason for this, but still to no avail. If you see any suspicious activity, please report it to your local police station. More on this later on C.H.NEWS.' You sat in shock as you stared at the TV in disbelief. Was it just a coincidence? It must have been. You thought to yourself for a bit before shaking it off as just a coincidence and that you should just be on the watch.

Hey guys! This is a story wrote by two people! (its also our first 😅😅). If there is any criticism you guys have in mind please comment your thoughts and we will definitely take them into consideration! Xoxo, DW and JJ 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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peter x y/n ❤️‍🔥😈the reunion 😈❤️‍🔥Where stories live. Discover now