5 ♡

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alien au lololol

Alejandro had Cody wrapped around his finger right now. With just candy, he had managed to manipulate Cody into obeying him. It was somewhat pathetic really, how sugar-addictive the boy was. Admittedly, a little gross too - he wasn't exactly fond of seeing someone who looks 13 shoving treats in their mouth like a ravenous and rabid animal. Yes, he couldn't ignore that his love for sweets was a little cute too. But that wasn't the point. Pushing the seat back, he relaxed into the chair's comfort. Besides from the little dork's mere presence with him, this was perfect. Everything was going well for him currently. Actually - where was Cody? He didn't honestly care, but was just curious. Scuffle. Scratch.

What in God's name was he doing? Alejandro peered behind him with a raised eyebrow and lips mashed together in attempt to not insult Cody, although he certainly was doing that in his mind. What he saw was...questionable, and was intriguing enough that he stood up. There he was, on his hands and knees and scavenging for..something? He didn't know what but he could read that this was extremely abnormal behaviour. Almost silently, he approached the nerd. His fingers tapped against his belt as he came closer. He realised something unusual. Very unusual. He stood straight, face contorting into one of bewilderment.

Cody looked at him with wide and confused eyes. The Spaniard jerked back, noticing something that was definitely unique. His hands were up to his chest, and he had claws. What on Earth. Shaking his head, he gathered a reasonable explanation for this..event? It was probably a challenge. Maybe? Otherwise, what was the geek like this for? Was he..sick? No. There was no illness that was capable of turning someone into this thing. There was a chance Chris did something, but if he were to think logically - it would break the law in some aspects. Cody's mouth parted for a moment, revealing that he had sharper teeth in a few areas. Examining fully , his heart still racing and whirling him into a headache, he became aware that the smaller boy's skin had a greenish tinge to it, his pupils appeared expanded and... Were those fucking Antennas. The...feature.. on his head was droopy and floppy in a way. He had a tail too. He stood back up, he couldn't process this all at once. What was going on - and just when he could have a break from this hectic atmosphere. Scuffle. He threw himself onto the chair as he miserably tried to soothe and calm his nerves. But everything was happening all at once and he could swear there was a ringing in his ear induced by the chaos.

Calm down, Alejandro. This isn't something to panic over : he reassured himself, pinching the bridge of his nose as his foot tapped against the first-class floor. Scuffle. He didn't even want to know what occurrence was taking place where he wasn't watching. A smooth texture brushed against his arm, and he could hear more movement. Glancing to his side, he saw the same tail from before, pressed gently against his hand, and Cody himself stood behind the armrest with his hands clasping it a little too tightly. Staring at Alejandro. The Spaniard gazed at the tip of his tail and then back up at him. The query that had been dying to exit his lips slipped out, with an accidental cold tone.

''What are you?''

Silence lingered for a second, before there was a response. Finally. The non-human, Cody-like creature gave him an idiotic and smiley expression as he prepared to explain, leaning closer to Alejandro with somehow even wider eyes. His antennae weren't floppy anymore - in-fact, rather bouncy and upright than before.

''Well, Al, I'm an alien! You know what that is, right? Isn't it obvious!''

He spoke, pace fast and his voice bright. The way he said it made it seem as if he was very proud of being an alien. But this was surely Cody, considering the stupidness and how hyper he was. Possibly, just possibly, he could tame him with more sweets? Alejandro nodded after the boy finished his sentence despite his disdain for the wretched nickname that was used. Thinking of something to say back, the Hispanic boy lightly felt up Cody's hand. It felt like human-skin, but at the same time not. It was smoother. Plus, there were definitely no bones there seeing as the tip of the tail flicked. His throat suddenly felt quite dry as his attention was focused on all of the nerdling's more unique parts. Like the way his teal eyes appeared shiny in the light of the plane.  If he were to be truthful, it was quite attractive to him in a way. No. No way he was thinking of that incompetent and now deformed you could say, and diminutive boy in that manner. All he was was a stepping stone to gain the money. Nothing more and nothing less. He bit the inside of his cheek, attempting to absorb himself back into reality. He probably looked spaced out to Cody.

''And..may I ask how you're this way, uh, mi amigo?''

He asked with confusion evident as he trailed off.  Practically anything was making Alejandro woozy at the moment, from the alien beside him moving so little but so swiftly to the mere adjust of the seat he had relaxed his body on. It was a struggle to make himself think straight, the entire scene making his thoughts a messed up blur. There was a sudden but light weight pressing down on his thighs. As he pushed away the thoughts clogging his headspace, he focused on the sight before him. Cody. Cody was sat on his lap, looking at him in the eye.

''I don't know - I just kind of turned this way again- must of been the candy. Oh, and can I have some extra?''

The sugar-high alien had saliva leaking down his lower-lip, clearly eager to have even the tiniest bit more of sweetness on his tastebuds. Or whatever aliens had, he guessed .Instinctively, he grimaced and wiped away the spit from his mouth with his thumb. Sky darkening, the plane did too - and Alejandro knew he had to get the Cody to sleep, and quickly. He was completely opposed to the idea of being stayed up due to the energy some Cody-like creature contained. Was it really worth the candy-sharing anymore? The Spaniard held the brunet's shoulders, giving them a small squeeze. Devising a plan to calm down the hysterical boy was no doubt going to be tough. All this just to sleep well. He sighed, bawling his hands into fists. ..Whatever. He could deal with this. Burromuertos can always handle little issues like this, right? He lifted his hand up to Cody's cheek, pulling his head over his shoulder and gently caressing his face. Perhaps it would work. In response, there was shifting and a perplexed quirk of eyebrows.

''Uhm...Al? What are you doing? Heh!..''

He awkwardly but loudly asked - still experiencing the hysteria the sugar overload fuelled him with. Jandro noticed that the other's cheeks had been coated in a faint dust of pink. God did he hope Cody would be soothed by him.



''So can I have more candy? Pretty please! ''

He begged, raising his arms up and placing his palms firmly over the taller man's broad shoulders. The Spanish flirt scowled, who was he to think a massage would relax him, his antenna stood upright and twitched with anticipation. Tan and muscular hands found their way around Cody's tiny hips. He took a deep exhale. If he had sleeping pills with him right now, they'd be forced down Cody's throat by now - however, sadly enough, he didn't have a source of them whatsoever. Was there even a way to tire him out enough? Exercises would probably result in chaos one way or another. Desperately, he slowly massaged the other's muscles - trying to put him at ease. It was working, gradually getting more effective - he had went from pure mayhem to just hyper. Silently sighing in relief, he leaned back - having much less to worry about now. Yes, Cody was still going to be a handful due to his state, but he was grateful it wasn't worse. Subconsciously, his fingertips still brushed over the brunet nerd's greenish skin in a comforting way. Within a few couple of ten minutes, Cody had lulled to sleep within his touch and was seeking more of his warmth. Arms wrapped tightly around the taller's torso.

When Alejandro woke up, Cody was well, normal once again. So sugar-rushes trigger... That? He acknowledged that information, smirking. He wasn't necessarily sure what he could do with the secret, but oh was it nice to know. He was the only one who knew, besides the man himself of course, and that sent a spoonful more pride down him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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