Chapter 3: Love touching??

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Lol the chapter says "touch"
Anyways.. Hopefully you enjoy. (Hopefully I made this more longer. Huh huh. "Longer")

Beavis and Butthead we're walking to school together, feeling.... Weird.

Beavis and Butthead kept catching each other looking at them. A chubby teenager with a obsession with unicorns named Stewart, was walking to school with them too.

"Hi guys! Mind if I walk with you two? I got this new video game you guys might like!"
Stewart says. The blonde boy turned around and said, "Go away, Stewart."
"Aw, c'mon guys! Can we talk and hangout?" Stewart begged. "Huhuhuh. No way Stewart! Your a total wuss!" Butthead said. Stewart sighed and says, "Fine. I'll hang out with someone else then." Butthead glares at him, surprised about Stewart's strict tone. Stewart walks away, avoiding eye contact with Butthead, but Stewart will forgive them eventually. Stewart always forgave them, which is a bad thing for him anyways.

At school

Beavis and Butthead arrived at school. Usually, Butthead would tell Beavis stupid and dumb theories that weren't real on the way to school, but the time wasn't right. They entered class and sat down in their assigned seats.

"Alright class, settle down please." Mr. Van Dreisson said. The class was usually loud when class is about to start. Beavis and Butthead just talk about stupid stuff, like talking about how hot one of their female classmates were, but they weren't talking to each other right now. Why would they? After they influenced something they wouldn't do.

Beavis' mind: This sucks.... Butthead won't talk to me....

Butthead's mind: Beavis isn't taking to me right now..... I hate this more than the hippy teacher...

Mr. Van Dreisson puts his hands on his hips and says, "Do I have to get Mr. Buzzcut in here?". Silence. The classroom goes quiet. "Thank you." The hippy teacher says. Mr. Van Dreisson rests his hands on his sides and begins teaching.

Beavis grabs a pencil and sticks it in his nose, getting some of the student's attention. Butthead, on the other hand, just sits there, not getting anyone's attention. Some kids look at Beavis in disgust or just laugh at him. Beavis slowly takes out the pencil out of his nose, revealing green snot stuck on the pencil, making one of the students gag.

Butthead looks over at the pencil, then at Beavis, then back at the pencil, then back at Beavis, which makes him chuckle. Beavis hears Butthead's chuckle, then looks at him, catching him watching him. Butthead quickly looks away, his cheeks flushing pink. Beavis frowns a little, scooting a little more closer to Butthead, trying to see his face.

Butthead's POV: Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no. What do I do?! Beavis is getting closer!

Beavis trys to take a look at Butthead's face, which makes Butthead look away and blush even more. Beavis raises an eyebrow, then scoots even more closer to Butthead until his desk is connected with Butthead's desk. Butthead gets startled with the big CLANK! when Beavis bumps his desk next to his, making Butthead jump a little. Butthead turns to Beavis and whispers, "What are you doing, butt hole?!" Beavis scoots away a little and whispers back, "Uhm, I was trying to talk to you. Hehehmheh." Beavis sees that Butthead's cheeks are a little pink, which he didn't expect. Butthead turns away and whispers to Beavis, "Well, just ignore me."

Butthead regretted saying that, He did want to talk to Beavis, which made Beavis frown and scoot away. Butthead tries to say something back to Beavis, but he couldn't find the right words. Instead, Butthead grabs Beavis's hand and caresses it gently, which made Beavis stop scooting away. Beavis' eye widen with surprise, not expecting for that type of action to come from Butthead. Why would Butthead want to hold Beavis' hand? Eugh.

Beavis looks at Butthead with a surprise look, seeing that Butthead's cheeks grow back to pink. Beavis feels his cheeks grow hot too, seeing that his hand is being held by Butthead's hand. Beavis awkwardly scoots closer again, feeling his cheeks grow more hot. Butthead's lips slightly curl to a smile, happy that Beavis didn't take his hand out of his. They held and caressed hands until school ended, like their hands were glued on together.

Stewart's POV:

I was walking alone, feeling bad for being mad at Beavis and Butthead. I decided to apologize, but first I had to find them. When school ended, I searched for them everywhere, and even asked some of my classmates, except Daria. Daria hates me mostly, and I'm scared of her! She even threatened me to not talk to her, which I obeyed.

I eventually gave up and decided to go home alone. I just walked alone on the sidewalk, kicking rocks and feeling like a dick to be mad at my best friends (In which they aren't). I just looked down at the ground, ignoring the other kids calling for me, until some guy pushed me down at the grass. "Ah!" I shouted. I tried to get a good view of the man whom pushed me down.

He had sunglasses on, with blonde hair like me, a tattoo on his shoulder, and a tag that says "Todd". "Watch where you're going, little girl" Todd says as he takes a sip of his beer. It was to late to say anything back to him when he walked away, taking another sip of his beer. I get up and brush the dirt off my shorts, until....

I spot Beavis and Butthead walking on the other side of the sidewalk, laughing and looking at Todd. "Todd's cool." I hear Butthead say. I feel an explosion of happiness inside me, running to the other side of the sidewalk Beavis and Butthead are on. "Guys! I'm so sorry I got mad at you guys, I forgive you for calling me a-" I pause, seeing that Beavis and Butthead are holding hands. I never saw them hold hands, never once in my life. My eyes widen. Does this mean....?
Oh gosh, I'm gonna be sick...

To be continued.

I tried to make this a little more interesting and a little more of gay shit. Hopefully you enjoyed enough.

Word count: 1029

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