Haon and Sik-k Having Cute Fun Together ...

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Minsik (Sik-K's first name) has the reputation of a sexy playboy. Everyone knows that he's very sexually active. Minsik is confident, also in a sexual way. He's sexy and he knows it. His music is explicit, some of his music videos are like soft porn. It's a fantasy of many people to go to bed with Minsik. Haon is one of these people. Luckily, his dreams became a reality.

Haon and Minsik have been really good friends for a couple of years now. They trust each other completely and talk to each other about everything. They don't just get along well with each other as friends, they like to get sexual with each other too, as friends with benefits. Both of them have many sexual adventures with girls and boys.

Unfortunately, Haon and Minsik haven't seen each other for several weeks now because Minsik was abroad for his work. They finally saw each other again for the first time after many weeks. They already missed each other.

Like besties, they met at a café to catch up with each other and tell each other some crazy stories that happened in their lives during the last few weeks. After talking and laughing with each other for some hours, they went to Minsik's place.

Minsik's bedroom looks beautiful and cozy, as always. He has a lot of pillows and a soft, fluffy blanket on his big bed. Haon likes the way the room smells. It smells like Minsik's parfum.

Minsik's skin looks darker than the last time Haon saw him. Haon thinks that the tanned skin color looks very good on him.

They lay down on the bed and hug each other tightly for a long time. Haon has missed Minsik's touch. He can feel his friend's heartbeat, his breathing and his warmth. It feels as if Minsik's love was entering Haon's body with his touch.


The rest of the story is explicit and only for a mature audience! You can find the link to it below in the "external link".

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