If only you knew

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*This is a sequel to 'healing powers' cause why not :))

Faint sounds of silverware clinking with ceramic bowls blended perfectly in the background of their light chatter, something about apple pie despite that not being what they're eating for lunch at the moment- it's cereal.

A bit out of place for the time but it didn't matter, what Danielle wanted, the younger girl would never deny her the pleasure. Anything and everything, her will, her thoughts, and even her heart, the moment she laid eyes on her, she knew that neither of those would belong to her anymore.

With her bright and charming demeanor, she slinked her way into her little world like a cat (how ironic) and stole everything she thought will forever be owned for herself without ever having any intent of doing so and left her with nothing yet everything at the same time.

What is love? Haerin has a hunch she knows what it is, she loves her family, her friends, her dog and her fans. And she undoubtedly loves Danielle June Marsh. What kind of love does she feels toward her exactly? That's still a mystery.

Putting a label on what she truly feels about the older girl could take days of thinking and she would much rather not do that as for the moment. It's hard to even describe. She knows it was more than platonic but calling it romantic felt wrong.

Or maybe it was her guilt stopping her from thinking that because imagining herself in romantic scenarios with Danielle, it feels almost illegal to think of it as even a possibility and when she feels guilty, it would go on to haunt her for an undetermined period of time.

Playing the role as Danielle's best friend is as rewarding as it is excruciating. She can't let her mind stray and take only what her sunshine would give her and not ask for more, as sweet as the temptation might be, bringing it up leaves a possibility of ruining this -and it seems that neither of them wanted that.

Their conversation shifted from one topic to another, light-hearted mostly until they reached one particular topic that ended up turning into something more.

"I miss Australian yoghurt, they have a different taste then the ones here," Danielle started talking about food again, pouring more fruit loops and mixing it with another cereal brand into the yellow ceramic bowl with flower patterns on Haerin's desk.

Haerin only nods in response, taking another spoonful of cereal into her mouth and crunching on them as she observes the wavy-haired girl's actions. Apparently, according to Danielle, mixing up different kinds of cereal is called making a 'cereal salad' and she got dragged into doing the same which surprisingly tasted good.

"Could you teach me new words?" The cat -like girl spoke up, out of topic.

Danielle didn't even questioned it, replying immediately, "Sure, what do you want to know?" giving her the usual bright smile, almost blinding the poor girl.

She wonders for a while, "Maybe other things to say to international fans?"

"What would you like to convey to them? You have to be more specific. I can't know if you don't say it."

Those words pierced through her, Haerin knows what she meant but her thoughts are telling her otherwise, "Just casual talk, during Lives and events," she takes yet another spoonful of cereal.

"You could ask them about their day and if you want to mention something you saw, just say it, I'm sure they won't mind if you have grammatical mistakes. For instance, if you saw something cute, you can say 'Bunnies, I found something cute earlier', Danielle said that last part in English.

"I found somethin.. what?" Haerin tried repeating her words but failed, she poured more cereal into her green frog themed ceramic bowl.

"Cute," she repeated, "And you too, cute," she tapped Haerin on the nose with her fingertip, making the latter smile as she felt butterflies creeping her way into the stomach, fluttering. A familiar feeling whenever she's with Danielle.

"You're cuter," she shook her head.

"Are you flirting with me?" Danielle's lips quirked up.

"Maybe," she played along, she's used to their playful flirting. She knows they're meaningless and will lead to nothing so it's safe. Therefore it was a 'non-threatening to their relationship' situation.

The older girl, being the bolder one between them, leaned closer, "Then do it properly," she said with a smirk, leaving Haerin a blushing mess as she had done countless times already but there was something different about the way she worded it today.

It sounded... desperate? No, that doesn't fit right either, there was no way. Their original conversation is now long forgotten as it turned into something else.

"W-what do you mean by that?" she managed to say despite feeling her knees go weak, still playing along(?).

"Flirt like you mean it," she placed her hand over Haerin's hand which wasn't occupied by a spoon, leaning even closer.

Haerin let her eyes wander around the girl's face, stopping them at her lips. Though not visible, Haerin could tell she was biting the inside of her lower lip by the way the sink in slightly. She swears her heart might give out.

Danielle catches her staring at her lips, she couldn't help but smile, "What do you want, Haerin?"

The latter was taken aback by the question, "What?"

"What do you want? You can say it, I won't mind," Danielle elaborates. She noticed recently that the younger girl had been acting weird. Not weird weird, just a little bit out of her character when it comes to her, which could also be interpreted as her huge ass crush on Danielle.

The older girl wasn't sure at first, questioning herself over and over again but today, she feels confident, tugging at Haerin's sleeve as she stares into her eyes, then her lips, repeating it a few times before continuing, "So, what do you want?"

Ok, now Haerin is sure she got possessed because the next thing that came out of her mouth was something she thought she'd ever have the guts to say.

"Kiss me, I want you to kiss me," she stated out and that was all Danielle needed to hear before pressing her lips softly onto Haerin's lips. Haerin feels like she's about to melt but I guess you could say she was melting in Danielle's touch as she moved her hand to cup her cheek.

It took a few seconds or so before the younger girl finally responded to the kiss, moving her lips with the same amount of tenderness, finding the new sensation addictive. When they pulled apart, both of them were a blushing mess, grinning from ear to ear.

"So, we have to talk this out now, don't we?" Haerin reasons.

"Mmm, later. I still want to kiss you more." They both giggled, a simple way to express agreement. She pulled her closer once again, closing the gap between them.

Maybe loving someone romantically doesn't have to be as complicated as Haerin thought it should be now that she knows loving Danielle isn't hopeless.

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