"These are the unforgivable curses. The use of any of these on a fellow human being is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban" Moody explained, Sophia snapped into focus. Her eyes widened, confusion spread across her face, Moody didn't acknowledge her confusion and kept talking, Hermione noticed though.
After the lesson, Sophia hurried off down the corridor. Her friends ran after her,

"Soph..." Hermione sighed and held onto her hand.

"What's going on?" Ron asked, looking at her with concern, Harry's face mirrored his.

"I uh.. Just have to go see McGonagall...I'll be back later..." she smiled slightly and hurried off.

"What's up with her" she heard Ron ask from behind her,

"It's not my place to say...we should check on Neville too" the three walked off.

The blonde hurried over to her Head of House's office, she had been given a copy of McGonagall's timetable incase she needed to speak to her.

"Professor?" Sophia asked, knocking on the door.

"Ah Sophia, please sit" McGonagall smiled and walked over to a cabinet, "biscuit?" she nodded in response and the elder witch handed it to her before sitting opposite her. 'What can I help you with Sophia?" she always called her by her first name, she knew how much she hated her family name.

"I umm.. We had a lesson about the unforgivable curses and I was just... do you really go to Azkaban for using them?" the woman before her nodded,

"They're unforgivable for a reason Sophia"

"Right, of course. Is there anyway Leo and Roxie could be excused from that lesson? I know Roxie has it tomorrow... and I umm...I don't think she or he... they... well"

"Sophia... I can't excuse them without a reason..." she looked up at her professor, tears beginning to form.

"Please professor... they don't need to see that... please"

"Alright... I'll speak to their Heads of House" Sophia felt a smile form on her face,

"Thank you, professor!" she replied,

"Sophia... if you do need to tell me something, you can" she nodded before leaving, sighing, she headed straight for the hall, wanting to just be with her friends.

"Goldie!" Sophia turned around in the deserted corridor, everyone was already at lunch, but Fred was hurrying toward her, "there you are, been looking everywhere for you" he placed a rose behind her ear, her eyes widened slightly, the events of the day catching up to her, "woah, what's wrong?" He asked, looking worried, she didn't say anything, she just ran into his chest and hugged him tight, her tears spilling out. He instantly hugged her back, "whatever it is, it'll be okay.... Promise" he walked them over to a window seat and sat down, "do you wanna tell me what it is?"

"Moody he-uh he demonstrated the unforgivable curses..." he looked almost confused until she looked up into his eyes, then he realised, once again they pulled her into a close hug.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered, holding her close.


Sophia had been walking between classes, she'd had to speak to Flitwick, so told her friends to go ahead without her.

"Hey Soph" she turned to see Cedric running over to her, a smile on his face.

"Hey Ced" she smiled back, he began walking with her, even though he didn't know where she was going.

"Let me grab those for you" he gestured to the books she'd forgotten to stuff into her bag, when she seemed hesitant he'd added, "please"

Reluctantly, she handed him her books,

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