"Stop, that tickles" she says giggling and laughing uncontrollable, I swallow as I remember the memory, its one of hers, or maybe mine, I don't know.

"Andre" Jordan whispers behind me and I clear my throat
"We should go, she's not here" he whispers and I just nod and turn around

"Yeah" I whisper before walking out of the classroom and Jordan follows right behind me.

The memory in the classroom was from the day we finished unpacking when we just moved to our new place.
She kept talking about how she was tired and needed to rest and I didn't let her because I wanted to be around her.
I remember her not wanting to talk to me for hours as punishment for not letting her rest.

There was a turn and we heard noises coming from there, we both looked at each other before we went ahead to check it out.

Right at the end of the turn we saw another TV.
It was another memory

This time the voices were much clearer and so were the images.
We were in our room and arguing

"I'm not going to put that on" she said glaring at me and I just gave her a face

"Yes you are baby" I whispered and she just groaned


"Yes, come on baby, I'm putting it on, it's not that bad and plus we get to match" I whined as I pouted at her

"Stop doing that, you look hideous with whole pouting thing" she said before pulling the PJs from my hands and I cheered smiling.

I sighed out and turned around
"Come on let's go, she's not here either" I muttered walking away, I heard Jordan step in line with me as we both walked away, I could still hear the voices from the TV.

We stopped at the library, there was no noise but something was pulling me inside the room.
I looked at Jordan and he gave me a questioning look, he didn't feel it, just me

I made to open the door and his voice stopped me
"What are you doing"? He asked

"I dunno, I just feel something drawing me to this place" I muttered before opening it.

We both walked in and there was no one, it was completely empty, save for the books scattered around the tables.

We walked around and stopped in front of a huge atlas textbook, it was open
But the pages weren't pages, they were like screen of some sort.

And in this one, it was Sam and I sitting on his bed in his dorm room, talking.

"Have you told her"? He asked and I just sighed out

"That I love her"? I asked and he nodded
"I can't"

"You can't? Why"? He asked giving me a perplexed look

"I'm scared Sam, okay, I can't just up and tell her, I've known her all my life, she's my best friend, I can't just tell her something like that" I muttered looking at him

"All the more reason why you should tell her, she sees you as her best friend and therefore she doesn't think you'd feel that way for her, if you keep stalling you might lose her to someone else" he says softly and I just sigh out.

"What do you want me to do"?

"Talk to her man, you never know she might feel the same way for you" he muttered

I quickly shut the book and swallowed the huge lump in my throat, that was not Judy's memories but mine.

I walked away from Jordan and back into the hallway.
I need to get out of here, the earlier I do that the better for me

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