For Queen Alicent, the impending marriage of Aelora triggered a cascade of memories and reflections. Her own experience of an arranged marriage, orchestrated by her father Otto Hightower, cast a shadow over her perception of Aelora's situation. It was a moment of paradoxical empathy, as Alicent, who had often seen Aelora as a piece on the political chessboard, now recognized the potential challenges and sacrifices that lay ahead for the young lady.

In the quiet moments of contemplation, Alicent's mind oscillated between the realms of politics and personal experiences. While political alliances and strategic marriages were the currency of power in Westeros, the queen couldn't shake the empathy she felt for Aelora, realizing the weight of expectations and constraints that accompanied such unions. The sadness that colored Alicent's expression stemmed not only from the thwarted political machinations but also from a shared understanding of the intricate dance between duty and personal desires.

As Aelora said her goodbyes and embarked on her journey, the Red Keep retained the echoes of these complex emotions. The departure marked not just the beginning of a new chapter for Aelora but also unveiled the layers of history and emotion embedded in the very stones of the castle. The intricate interplay of personal stories and political calculations added depth to the unfolding narrative within the heart of King's Landing.


Aelora's travel was now marred by a sense of monotony. The decision to make the journey via carriage felt like a relentless slow march compared to the freedom and speed that flying on Ghidorah could have provided. The counsel of the Hand convinced the King that her journey to the North should adhere to traditional customs, which left Aelora with little choice but to endure the prolonged journey by land. , and couldn't shake off the resentment that swirled within her.

The landscape passed her by in a blur of greenery, roads, and villages. Ghidorah soared above, occasionally swooping down to catch up or to simply provide a sense of company. Aelora yearned to be with her dragon, to feel the wind whip through her hair as they cut through the skies together. Instead, she was stuck inside the confines of a carriage, the monotony broken only by the occasional stop in towns or villages along the way.

The journey became an exercise in patience and restraint for Aelora. The hours stretched into days, and the days threatened to meld into an indistinct continuum. She filled the time with sporadic attempts at conversation with the guards and attendants accompanying her, trying to glean insights about the North, its people, and her future betrothed, Lord Cregan Stark. Yet, the sense of impatience grew within her with every passing mile. The anticipation of a month-long journey to a place she was being sent to against her wishes only heightened her frustration.

The landscape gradually transformed, leaving behind the familiar sights of the South for the harsher, colder terrains of the North. Aelora marveled at the vastness and stark beauty of the landscapes, each passing day bringing her closer to the domain of House Stark. Yet, the anticipation of the unknown mingled with her yearning for the familiar comforts of King's Landing.

Aelora couldn't help but wonder about the reception she would receive in the North, her engagement to Lord Cregan Stark awaiting her as an inevitable fate. The contrast between the grandeur of her dragon and the humility of her current journey was stark, leaving her to ponder the intricacies of diplomacy, duty, and the sacrifices demanded by both.

Ghidorah's occasional visits overhead were both a comfort and a painful reminder of what she was missing. The dragon's presence was a beacon of solace amidst the mundane landscape, a silent companion during her isolated travels.

Through it all, Ghidorah remained a steadfast companion, a winged guardian trailing the carriage. Aelora drew solace from his presence, a reminder that even in the face of change and uncertainty, there were constants to anchor her spirit. As the journey continued, Aelora steeled herself for the challenges that awaited her in the North, hoping that the bonds forged in her past would guide her through the uncharted realms of her future.

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