chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Listen to him Sophia, I don't want any shenanigans..." her mother chastised, the teenager rolled her eyes in return.

"If you're already behaving like this you can go off ahead and get our seats ready" her father scowled, annoyed the blonde stormed off ahead of the rest of her family, well some of her family. A few flights of stairs later she heard a familiar voice shouting down to her.

"Soph!!" She looked up to see her best friends.

"Hey Mione! Hey Harry! Hi Ron! Hey everyone!" Her friends and all the Weasleys smiled back and replied to her.

"Hey goldie" Fred smiled and she felt her cheeks flush red. "Come join us" she was smiling and didn't realise what he'd said until he reached over the barrier and lifted her by her waist, her cheeks went an even deeper shade of red as she stared into his eyes as he lowered her to the ground.

"I-uh thanks" she managed to get out.

"You're even cuter when you blush goldie" he leaned in and smirked before walking off. Hermione hooked her arm in Sophia's and the two began giggling as they walked off. She was also re-introduced to Charlie Weasley, someone who she recognised from hearing Alya talk about him, Alya was another one of her cousins. And met Bill Weasley once again, Emberlynn was absolutely obsessed with Bill. A few minutes later they were entering the minister's box. After greeting Harry, Fudge turned his attention to her.

"Ah Miss Malfoy... is your father on his way" Her eyes widened, she'd come with her parents and 'older' brother.

"Yes he is" she answered, sighing she walked over to her seat but Fred grabbed her wrist and gave her his, saying he'd share with George. She felt herself flush red again and Hermione began teasing her. Before long, her family arrived.

"Sophia darling, come join us..." her mother smiled sweetly, but she could see the anger behind her eyes.

"I'd like to sit with my friends if that's alright...." She stated, knowing her mother would never risk damaging their image.

"Oh of course dear" her mother smiled and pulled her glaring brother and father away.

Her parents then began talking to Fudge, she had to try not to laugh as he bowed to her mother, her parents seats were relatively near there's.

"And of course you know Arthur Weasley, your daughter is friends with his son!" Fudge exclaimed, her father and Mr Weasley glared at one another,

"Good Lord, Arthur" her father started and she knew this wouldn't end well, "what did you have to sell to get seats in the top box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched that much" a glare came across Sophia's face and she was about to speak out but Fudge, who hadn't been listening, spoke first

"Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St Mungos Hospital, he and his family are here as my guests. Although I see young Miss Malfoy has joined you" Sophia felt her eyes widen as Fudge locked onto her,

"How- how nice" Mr Weasley forced a smile, her fathers eyes locked onto Hermione which caused Sophia to glare at him, her father hated Hermione because she was muggleborn, this caused Sophia to grab onto Hermione's hand, which only pissed her father off more.

"Slimy gits" Ron snarled, Sophia nodded in agreement, as her father walked off, the game then started. Sophia rolled her eyes as she saw the Veela appearing, she looked up at Fred who wasn't even looking at them, he was looking at her. Her cheeks went red. Veelas were infamous for their capabilities over men, yet Fred was staring at her. Her plan of making him jealous the previous year had truly worked,

She also looked into the crowd, there was another pair of eyes on her, Cedric. They were only friends, she reminded herself, but she smiled and went pink at the sight nevertheless.

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