I feel a hand on my head and look up to Levi, making me lose my concentration and the white comes back full force. "How long have you been practicing this?" I tilt my head in thought and shift back to my human form. I'm kneeling on the floor with Levi's hand still on my head.

"I'm not sure. A few weeks? It's hard to keep the color on my fur but considering I could only make the tip of my nose change means I'm making progress right?"

"Your eyes are still brown." Levi observed. His hand caressing my cheek. I smile slightly and nod. "Yeah. I finally look normal, huh?"

He frowns and looks deeper into my eyes. "I like how it was before. Like the forget me nots and the prettiest of lilacs are fighting for control. It's like an amazing bouquet of blue and purple flowers." I let my eyes change back and squeeze them from the burn. When I open them again a smile lifts Levi's cheek.

"That's better."

Red rushes to my cheeks and stand up to give us some space. Clearing my throat, I try to direct the attention off my eyes and back to the problem at hand. "Well, now you know. So do you think it will help us? I mean I can't hold it long enough for me to stay brown the whole run but at least for when they ask me to shift and see my fur color. And if the fox royals do recognize me or put together who my mom is then at least they will only know my bloodline and not that I'm white."

He sits on the couch and grabs the first book in his sight. "Yeah. We can incorporate it in our training so you can get better at it and during our run to the royals. Hopefully by the time we get there you will have mastered it." He lazily flips through pages. "Also can you change your color to anything or is it just brown?"

I sit next to him and place my feet on the table. "Well I can do other colors but they are harder. I can make my eyes green like my mom's but they hurt worse than the brown. And if I do other colors, like blue or green, for my fur then the white shows throughout it. So I focused on brown to practice and figured after I managed that then I could practice other colors in spare time. I can make them anything I want as long as I practice."

He seemed in thought as he stayed silent. After a few minutes he sets the book down and faces me. "Well I guess let's start tomorrow. I'm sure you need a rest and judging my the sweat on your forehead that takes a lot out of you. So go ahead and rest now. I'll go talk to Cane about all this and we can come up with a strategy for this trip."

He stands up and kisses the top of my head on his way out.

I wait until his footsteps fade to let the tension out of my shoulders. What was that? He's never done that before. He likes my eyes? And what was that KISS? It's always been train, rest, study. Nothing more. He's definitely never looked at me like that. Ugh. I wish I can read minds so I can know what was going on in his.

It was almost like...

Like how David looked at me...

I thought demons couldn't love? So why was there so much love in his eyes?

After my internal freak out I stand up and grab all the royal books. I better start studying so I know more about these people. I can at least learn their names.

~a few hours later~

The wolf book felt heavy in my hand. I was slowly dozing off, but kept myself awake. Just one more page I kept telling myself. That was 8 pages ago.

Cane tried telling me to go to bed, but I told him I was fine and was going in a few minutes anyway. I think that was 30 minutes ago. I'm not sure where Levi went. He might have went to the demon realm. Either way he hasn't shown back up in here since the kiss.

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