CH 17: Painted Red

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"Don't… look back. "

I can barely breathe the words through the bile rising in my throat. 


"Turn away… slowly, and… walk out."

I won't hold for much longer
The blood still dripling from my  arms has turned a vicious black, and its loss is causing a daziness to creep through my already strained nerves. Numbness starts to take over, overcoming the bites of pain the glass specks buried in my skin have been inducing. 

The shadows that had slammed  hard against the mirrors upon the explosion of my core are now slipping down the floor, slipping toward me. 

"Please… "

"Neith, tell me what's wrong, we can talk through this. " 

Asin begins to turn around. 

"No! Don't move !"

The shadows grab into my arms and legs, burning, whispering, reaching for my soul.

The world spins and blurs, I can barely make him out  through the haze. Reality slips out of my grasp along with my weapon as I drown in their cold abyss. 

I'm screaming louder and louder just to topple the furor inside  my head. 

"Give in… " sings the sweet, layered voice of ageless darkness. "You know you want it… we will rid you of all the pain…all the memories… give us the heart you no longer want… "

Just when I'm about to let them consume me, I feel a wave of heat spread through my chest and arms. 

The shadows holler in horror, waking my senses. 

"... -ith!", the shaken voice filters through my thundring mind. 

"Neith! "

I open my eyes, again I'm met with darkness, but it's a soft, palpitating one. 

I finally realise that I'm being held against Asin. 

I try to break out of his embrace, but he only holds me tigher.

"I'm not looking, I won't, just take your time, calm down. "

He rubs his warm hand through my heaving back. . 

"I need to breathe… "

I can barely gather any strength in my arms to push him away, but he lets me go anyway. 

The moment Asin steps away, the weariness weighting on my shoulders brings me down, bending my already weakened knees. 

Asin hands,  still holding my forearm, catch me just as I collapse. 

He kneels by my side. 

"Please let me-"

I cover his still shut eyes with my palm. 

"Just-just stay like this for a minute…"

Somehow his touch seems to keep the shadows at bay, I can feel them slither around us, hissing nastily at me, and right now I don't have the strength to break myself free of their control if I let them in. Right now, as much as I hate it, I need someone. I need him. 

Asin grabs my hand in his much larger fist and settles down with one leg bent up for me to lean on. 

"Drystan… " he massages my knuckles, brushing the searing pain away. 

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