Sophia looked terrified as Snape attacked Lupin, although, Sophia lost her temper when Snape insulted Hermione,

"DON'T TALK TO MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT" she shouted, Snape stared at her shocked as did everyone else, "YOU'RE A GROWN ASS MAN! WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO BULLY CHILDREN!" She screamed, folding her arms,

"Watch your tongue Sophia, I will be writing to your father about this whole incident" she rolled her eyes and watched Sirius smirk,

"Oh I'm so scared" Snape ignored her and turned his attention to Sirius, now threatening him,

Although, when he went to leave, Harry blocked the door. Sophia smirked but then watched in horror as Snape insulted Harry's father, then Harry sent Snape flying against the wall.

"Wicked" Sophia smiled, Harry looked over and smiled too, Hermione was whispering about they attacked a teacher and Sophia tried to calm her down whilst also trying to calm Roxie,

Sophia continued to listen to the rest of the explanation, everything made more and more sense,

Sirius then revealed that he wasn't the secret keeper, he'd made Harry's parents switch it to Peter, knowing Voldemort would suspect him,

Scabbers turned into a man, a man Sophia didn't like the look of. A man who looked almost rat like.

"Hello Peter" Lupin said, Sophia was staring at the scene in shock, the man looked sheepishly around, "long time no see"

"S-Sirius? R-Remus!" He had a squeaky voice, "my old friends" they then began to discuss what happened to Harry's parents and Pettigrew began saying about how Sirius tried to kill him,

They kept talking, Sirius and Lupin trying to get the information out of the rat man.

"Voldemort went to the Potters on your orders, he met his downfall there.... And not all his supporters ended up in Azkaban, there are still many out there, pretending to see the error of their ways... if they got wind that you were still alive..." Sirius then turned to Sophia, "ever heard your father mention the traitor Sophie?" She thought, she had. One ex death eater gathering had led to them cursing someone they called the traitor, they were all wishing they'd been the one to kill him.

"Yeah, a bunch of his supporters gathered in the dining room. They were all talking about how angry they were at the traitor. How they wished they were the ones to kill him" Sirius smiled at her, urging her to keep going, "I'm sure my father would love to know that the traitor was still alive..." Pettigrew moved toward her but Sirius stepped in front of her, protecting her.

Peter continued to lie, trying to get out the situation. Hermione questioned some things, to which Sirius and Lupin had answers. Sirius revealed that Sophia's visits had helped him, because the dementors would be forced to leave whenever she was there.

After one last bit of explanation, Sophia could tell, Harry believed him.

Pettigrew then grabbed onto Sirius's robes, Sophia who had been standing behind him, shuffled back over to Hermione.

Pettigrew attempted to gain mercy from all of them, his method was slightly different when he reached Sophia,

"Oh you understand don't you? Your family supported him! He's too powerful... you must know..."

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