"Sure. Thanks." I check the clock to make sure that there's plenty of time to eat breakfast. I still have half an hour before we have to leave. Braxton comes and sits back down, handing me a glass of orange juice. "Are you still giving me a ride to work today?"

"Yes, of course. Do you need me to pick you up too?"

"Oh we can do that," my mom replies before I can.

"Are you sure?" I ask. "I don't want you to change any plans that you have."

"I don't think we have anything planned today. We might go visit an old friend, but other than that, nothing set in stone."

"Okay," I say then look over at Braxton. "Then you won't have to worry if you get stuck in court or need to stay late at the office."

"Works for me," he says.

My mom dishes us all up a plate and we sit at the table together eating breakfast. After I'm done eating I go to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Braxton is waiting for me at the door when I come out. I stop in the kitchen first to say goodbye to my parents. "Did you want to do lunch today?" my mom asks me.

"Um.. I'll let you know when I get to work and check the surgery schedule. I'm not sure if I have to sub in or not and don't know how much work I'll have to do. I don't want to say yes and have you come all the way down there and tell you that I can't go."

"Okay, dear, sounds good. You and Braxton have a good day at work. We'll see you later."

"Bye mom. Bye dad."

We walk out to the car. It's a little brisk this morning. I can't wait until it warms up more. We ride in silence for most of the way. "Is everything okay?' I ask, finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Just thinking about all the stuff I have to do today. It's a good idea that your parents are going to pick you up, because I'm thinking today is going to be another late night."

"I'm sorry, babe. Just think that it's already Thursday, so you only have today and tomorrow."

"I have a feeling that I'll probably have to go in on Saturday to do some work. I'd bring it home, but with your parents there, I might not be able to concentrate."

"I could take them out of the house, maybe go to a movie or something to give you some alone time."

"That's okay. It's just easier to come into the office, that way I have my files and everything I need there."

"Okay." He pulls into the parking lot of my work, dropping me off by the employee entrance. "Thanks, babe," I say giving him a kiss.

"No problem. I'll call you later if it's going to be a late night."

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