Chapter 2

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Rosaline's POV

The ride was silent and I was thankful for it. I'd rather not speak than to have a conversation with the man next to  me. But, my curiosity got the best of me and I was desperate enough to prove my previous statement wrong.

"Where are we going?" I asked in a small voice.

He didn't even glance at me and kept his beautiful yet mysterious eyes on the road. I rolled my eyes at his arrogance. Could he at least answer me.

"Man, I asked you something!"

"Don't call me that!" He snapped sounding irritated.

"Then how should I address you? I don't even know your name!"

"It's Vincenzo."


"My name. It's Vincenzo."

Oh! Does he want me to call him by his name? Are you dumb? If he told you his name it's obvious he wants you to call him by it!

"Good. So Vincenzo where are we heading to?"

"You'll know soon."

"Can't you just tell me?" I asked annoyed.



"Can you just shut up?"

I gasped mentally. How dare he? I was literally trying to be mature and try to have a conversation like a mature person. Rude asshole!

I shut my mouth not because I was afraid of him but because I was tired of arguing with him. He's dumb anyways. I can't believe my parents want me to marry him.

After almost 30 minutes of driving we got to a beautiful restaurant. It was very elegant and as we entered, I noticed a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. A waiter came to us and he ushered us to the highest floor. The place was, surprisingly, empty. No one was around except a few staff members. The waiter handed me a menu and went away after telling us to call him when we were ready to order.

I looked at him and he already had his eyes fixed on me.


"What what?

"What do you want? You're looking at me like a creep!"

"I wasn't looking at you because I wanted to! You've got the menu card and I need you to hurry up so I can fucking order."

Oh! How embarrassing!

I chose two dishes randomly since the names were new to me and I couldn't quite comprehend what they actually were. I just hoped they weren't disgusting and actually edible.

"Here." I said passing him the menu.

He called the waiter and ordered for both of us while I struggled to pronounce the foreign names of the dishes.

The food was quickly bought to our table and I won't lie it actually looked good.

I was about to dig in when my soon to be husband interrupted me.

"So, Rosaline, tell me about yourself."


"As your father said, we are getting married so I need to get to know you." He said calmly.

I scoffed. He actually thought I'd marry him? He should be happy I even came here all along. Yet, I played along acting like I was interested in answering his stupid question.

"What do you want to know about?"



"Your past relationships."

Loser. He really couldn't ask anything else?

"Well, I haven't been in a relationship before."

"Any particular reasons?"

Is he stupid? Can't he see I'm trying to eat? I'm fucking dieing of hunger and this motherfucker is getting on my nerves.


"So you're a virgin." He asked or rather stated. I nodded in response.

"I could tell."

My fist clenched and unclenched. Was he insulting me?
I didn't pay much attention to his insult and kept on feeding my hungry stomach.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself? How old are you?"
I asked.

"I'm 28."

28. My guess was right.

"What do you do for living?"

"I breathe."

"So your unemployed?" Weird, he looked rich to me.

" When did I say that?"

"You said you breathe so you're unemployed."

"That's not true. You should ask your dad what I do."

"Why? Are you ashamed of your work?"

"You shouldn't jump to conclusions, sweetheart."

"Don't call me that!"

"I'll call you however I want to."

Moron! I stayed silent and gulped down the food furiously.

Suddenly my phone ringed. I looked at the caller id and I froze. Marco.

I looked at Vincenzo and he was already looking at me.
Should I answer in front of him?

"Excuse me."

"You're not excused."


"Pick it up here. You don't need to go anywhere else."

"There's something called privacy."

"Does it look like I care? Dare to move a step and you'll regret it."

"What will you do?"

"I'll spank you in front of everyone."

I gasped and I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I sat back down and picked up the call.

"Hey". My voice came out as a whisper. He had his cold gaze fixed on me.

"Hey Rose, you okay? I've been waiting for you outside your house for so long. Are you home?"

"Um, Marco, I'm actually out with a friend. I'm sorry but my phone died so I couldn't call you. I just charged it now at her house." I lied.

"A friend?"

I looked up at Vincenzo and he raised his brows as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Y-yes, a friend. She was sick so I had to come over." I lied again while maintaining eye contact with Vincenzo who looked at me with curious eyes.

"Oh ok." He replied not sounding convinced at all.

"We can go out tomorrow." I said.

" I'm actually at work tomorrow but it's ok, send my get well soon wishes to your friend."

"Ok then, bye."

"I love you, Rosaline". Marco confessed.

I looked at Vincenzo while blushing.

"I-I love you too" I whispered while looking at him flustered.

He hung up and I was met with silence.

"Never been in a relationship, huh?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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