"I hope you don't mind me dropping unannounced, I was just in the neighbourhood and felt it necessary to meet the babymomma." Nicki bit her tongue and dug her nails in her skin, restraining herself from getting up and dragging her across the floor. "I mean it's not like you wanted to see her the first time she gave birth to Isaac why now?" Drake questioned wary and curious of his ex wife's intentions.

"I've been in touch with my inner self through this programme I've been on and well... I want to progress past the petty hate." Nicki scoffed as Drake shot her a look and turned back to Maliah " oh well I'd show you Aaliyah but she's sleeping." Looking around the vast living room of their new mansion Maliah looked on with envy.

The bitter sweet poison coursing through her veins had only intensified when she heard Nicki was pregnant... AGAIN. To top it off it was a girl and they had named her Aaliyah. I remember when Drake wanted to name Kylie that, cussed his dumb ass out and now look, she told herself disgust lacing her inner thoughts

"Maybe another time." She said tilting her head to the side she looked at the doorway and saw his little figure peeking. She shared a little smile and was impressed. He sure does look like Drake. "I'm guessing this is Isaac?" Both Nicki and Drake turned to the direction she was looking at and saw Isaac's head shoot up and run away as he heard his name being called. Nicki excused herself and followed him.

"What are you really playing at?" Drake asked having a gut instinct Maliah was up to something. She huffed and shook her head "Drake I was mad at you." Silence overtook his actions and she took this as a sign to carry on. " So fucking mad you had gotten her pregnant yet again I didn't even visit or take my own children to see them."

To be honest she was glad he didn't hassle her to come pick them up, the less time she spent with them the more time she got to be and do her. "I realised how selfish I was being and I only want what's best for my kids." Drake squinted his eyes " You mean our kids." Realising her mistake she quickly corrected herself after him "Yes of course... our kids." It pained her to even say that without fake attitude but it had to be done. No one could ever know the truth.

It wasn't long after they had their conversation that they fell into another awkward and looming silence. It was crazy how once upon a time the woman sat in front of him was his wife that he cherished and loved. Now all he saw was an ex stripper (probably still is) that was blessed to carry his children and become his wife. Nicki walked in with Isaac latched on to her neck, his head hiding between the crook of her neck, with Daniel and Kylie by her side.

Maliah had seen a change in Kylie ever since she had opened the door. Before Nicki and Drake had come down and Kylie had finished shrieking, Maliah had asked the whereabouts of her father. Her answer was all too sweet for Maliah's likings. Kylie had a big smile across her face and she spoke the name 'Onika' like it was a name spoken by God himself.

She had seen the change in her daughter and her mind was set. She had let things go too far. Their happiness was about to be short lived and destroyed.

Aaliyah was now three months old and Nicki wanted to celebrate it with the world. People still didn't know what Aaliyah looked like and were dying to find out. Strangely enough Nicki had come away from social media while Drake had picked up the habit of teasing his fans with bits of pictures of his new born daughter and the occasional picture of him and Kylie or him and Daniel.

He hadn't posted Isaac in a while and people picked up on that, but he took no notice. Isaac and his relationship was estranged with every sly remark he would make Drake would get angry and lose his temper resulting in Isaac crying and Nicki being all mushy would cry too. Which annoyed Drake even more so he tended to avoid Isaac altogether.

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