JD and Clay: Maybe.....

Floyd was so embarrassed that he started turning into a tomato and Used his hair to cover up his red Face.

Floyd: I literally regret telling you guys..

Clay: Hey, no thank you for that amazing pic I took of you two?

Floyd: If I weren't the nice brother I would've torn it into a million pieces..

Clay: Good thing you are.

Floyd: You're lucky..

Clay: But still I'm keeping the pic
*He grinned at Floyd while saying that*

Floyd: Come on Clay, not funny!!

JD: Give a copy of that pic, Wallet sized..

Floyd: Can you guys stop being annoying and help me with this tent..

JD and Clay: Fine..

*Meanwhile with Boom*

Boom was packing up with his band, he couldn't stop thinking about Floyd's kiss from last night, he had butterflies having a party in his stomach.. He was so far off from reality that he wasn't focusing on his stuff..

Hype: Uhh.. Boom?

Boom then snapped back to the real world seeing his band looking at him in confusion.

Boom: Oh! Sorry guys I wasn't paying attention..

Ablaze: Were you thinking about Floyd again?

The whole gang put a smirk on their faces while looking at Boom Blushing.

Boom: What n-no........ Maybe......

Trickee: Oooh, found a way to ask him out?

Boom: Not really, I think he likes me back..

NSYNC: He does!?

Hype: How did you get the signs?

Boom: Well... Last night I was sitting by the shore cause I couldn't fall asleep then he suddenly sat next to me cause he couldn't sleep too..

Ablaze: We're listening....

Boom: Well.. We saw shooting stars falling from the sky, he wanted to go back to his cause he started feeling sleepy so I decided to let him rest on my shoulder..

Hype: OOOH, Nice move Boom!!

Trickee: Shut up Hype and let him finish..

Hype: Right, sorry..

Boom: No problem, anyways when the Shooting stars ended we stood up and well...... Floyd he-

Hype: DID YOU KISS!!??

Ablaze and Trickee: HYPE!!

Hype: Oop, sorry again..

Boom: Well not exactly... He kissed my cheek before he went in his tent.

Hype: KNEW IT!!!

Ablaze: Dude, that was the most awesome moment to find out he likes you back.

Trickee: You have to ask him on a date!!

Hype: Yeah, before it's too late!

Boom: I know but, I don't even know how or when, especially the last time I tried we were interrupted...

Hype: Just keep on a normal level..

Trickee: Yeah, and stay cool..

Ablaze: And don't act like a wuss.

Vacay Island Incidents (Floom)Where stories live. Discover now