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Connecticut April 7 1978

Katy was running late, her room scattered with remnants of packing as she hurriedly stuffed clothes into her suitcase. Ashley lounged on Katy's bed, an amused smirk playing on her lips."Come on, Katy! We don't want to keep the Warrens waiting, do we?" Ashley teased, twirling a strand of her hair.Katy shot her friend a playful glare, zipping up her suitcase. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one dealing with Ed's 'punctuality is key' lectures."Ashley chuckled, standing up and offering a hand to Katy. "Well, you know how Mr. Warren is. But hey, think of it this way—you'll have plenty of time to daydream about a certain someone during the drive."Blushing, Katy swatted Ashley's hand away." I Have to go ". Ashley giggled and hugged Katy goodbye."Hopefully you packed something cute". she said with a wink. The sound of a car apporaching hinted Ed and Lorraine Warren were here.As Katy rushed towards the waiting taxi, her heart raced with nervousness.Lorraine and Ed were already seated in the back of the taxi, chatting amiably. Katy hesitated for a moment, assessing the available seats.The only open spot was next to Lorraine. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself, and slid into the seat beside her.As Katy settled into the taxi beside Lorraine, the captivating scent of Lorraine's perfume enveloped her. It was a delicate fragrance, reminiscent of a timeless elegance. The subtle notes of bergamot and lemon unfolded with the richness of jasmine, and rose.'Of course she would smell really good', Katy thought. This only made sitting next to her almost unbearable. she fumbled to put on her seatbelt, and Katy's leg accidentally brushed into Lorraine's exposed leg that wasn't covered by her skirt. Katy stole a glance at Lorraine, only to notice a faint blush tinged on her cheeks.Lorraine was blushing! The enigma of Lorraine's reaction stirred a flutter in Katy's heart. The taxi pulled up to the bustling train station, and Katy, Ed, and Lorraine—gathered their belongings, preparing to board the train. The air hummed with a sense of anticipation as passengers hurriedly moved about, and the distant sound of trains echoed through the platform. As they settled into their seats putting their luggage away."By the way, Katy, the camera crew will be joining us later on. Drew and the others are set to arrive once we're settled in California. They'll document our investigations for the records."However he stopped speaking when Lorraine's expression shifted. Her blue eyes, usually warm and composed, took on a distant look. Ed, familiar with the subtle signs of Lorraine's visions, gently placed a hand on her arm, silently acknowledging the shift in her perception.Katy, observing the sudden change in Lorraine, felt a shiver down her spine. She had heard about Lorraine's psychic abilities, but witnessing it firsthand brought a mix of awe and trepidation. Lorraine's gaze seemed to pierce through the immediate surroundings, connecting with something beyond the tangible.She noticed that Lorraine had invertently clutched Katy's arm tightly. In the depths of her psychic vision, Lorraine found herself standing within the confines of Emma's house, surrounded by an eerie silence that hung in the air like a heavy mist. As Lorraine moved through the space, her blue eyes, windows to the supernatural, beheld the unfolding events.Emma, seemingly unaware of Lorraine's presence, moved through the house with a palpable sense of dread. Along with Emma was a dark and evil prescence clutching her body.A demonic force. It became evident that the demonic force harbored a dark desire—it hungered for Emma's soul.Lorraine's eyes flickered, a momentary disorientation settling over her as the vision released its hold. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with the weight of the revelation. Turning to Katy and Ed, her blue eyes, now tinged with a haunted intensity, conveyed the urgency of what she had witnessed."Lorraine," Katy whispered, her concern evident in her gaze, "what did you see?""Emma ...She's not just haunted, she's possessed," Lorraine uttered, her voice carrying a solemn gravity. The words hung in the air, each syllable laden with the terror of the unseen forces at play.Ed's brows furrowed in concern. Katy, though still processing the reality unfolding before her, felt a shiver down her spine.Lorraine continued, her voice steadying despite the gravity of the situation. "Whatever entity has latched onto her wants more than just a vessel. It wants to harm her, to take control, and it's fixated on causing harm to her mother."Katy clutched Lorraine's arm, and Lorraine smiled in return, a silent gesture to let Lorraine know that she wasn't alone

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