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                 John the Baptist was beheaded on the orders of a woman; The death of Samson was facilitated by Delilah; Prophet Isaiah took off in a mortal fear of Jezebel. Eve gave Adam the good and bad fruit and that let to their exile in the Garden of Eden.The greatest weapon that the devil has in his armoury are the daughters of Jezebel and Delilah, those beautiful yet evil seducers whose mission in life is to destroy men that are called to greatness by God. The greatest weapon that God has in his arsenal are the daughters of Zion, those beautiful, wise, prayerful, discerning, prudent, patient, kind, loyal women who are faithful unto death and who are the enforcers and guardians of God’s purpose in the lives of men.

         Women are valuable gift from God, God brought them into this world as a Companions. A Companion is known to be a friend, acquittance, or partner whom one spends time with. God saw that Adam was alone and the animals he created couldn't fill that loneliness in him, then he created a woman named Eve. God should have created another man but he knew that men are not made for companionship but as rulers and only a woman can serve as a companion. A woman is more powerful than a man, no matter how powerful or mightful a man thinks he is, he is just like butter in the hands of his woman.

          A woman will make you feel that you're in charge yet with sweet words and with guile and cunning, she silently controls everything and everyone around you.Women are like a shield, a defender and foundation of a home. Even as the man is the head of the family, the woman us the neck in which without it, the head will fall. Women gossips and talk yet women keeps deeper secreta than men. It is only a woman that can carry another human for a good nine months and after that raise that child into a good and responsible adult and only she knows the father of that child.

                  A woman has persuassive power and the power is pure and natural. It operates on the subconscious mindset. A woman somehow has the power to send signal to our subconscious mindset, to make us ( men ) do things we are not supposed to do at that moment. How?

        A woman uses secret pulses. Coy is the instruction mode. One look of helplessness and men are scrambling. One fallen sleeve off the shoulders and a man becomes an engorged bull. One cooking incidence and a man extrapolates matrimonal bliss. One expression of epiphany glee and a man whips his cheque book. One look of sadness and a man seeks to please. One declaration of love and two nations go to war. One suggestive dance and a prophet's head is havked off. One offer of forbidden fruit and Adam becomes wilful. WHAT IS THAT CALLED? POWER, POWER, POWER.

A woman has an undefined glory, she attracts attention. Her glory makes her a subject of admiration, even veneration. A woman was created to be admired. It's God design and guessing you know why women loves Make-up and Fashion. No matter how handsome a man dress and looks, he will always be overshadowed by a woman.
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