𝐢 ' such a model

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BLASTING MUSIC filled Lucy's ears, the four girls walked into the Bar Mitzvah into a guy with birds on his shoulders,

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

BLASTING MUSIC filled Lucy's ears, the four girls walked into the Bar Mitzvah into a guy with birds on his shoulders,

"Are those birds rescued?" Megan asked,

"They better be," Anya replied also rolling her eyes.

"Is that a parrot?" Lucy questioned.

"No, it's a dog.." Anya joked, making Lucy frown.

The girls walked away leaving the man speechless,

"Yo, you guys made it!" Aaron smiled.

"Of course, I couldn't bail on you." Lucy teased him.

"Wheres Andy?" Kym asked,

"Wait, I found him. Megan and Anya, lets go and leave the two alone." Kym said winking at Lucy.

Aaron stared at Kym with a confused face, then turned to look at Lucy's dress.

"I see you went model like tonight Luce," Aaron pointed out,

"Is that the best compliment you've got?" Lucy laughed.

"Not in a rude way Luce, you look pretty." he confirmed.

Luce, a nickname he gave her in the 5th grade, only he called her Luce.

Lucy blushed "Well I could say you don't look bad yourself," she blushed.

"It's a bar mitzvah night, I got outfits for this accession just like you," he joked.

Lucy admired him, she wanted to grab his hand so bad.

"Cmon let's go, I can't leave the guys waiting for me." Aaron grabbed her by the hand and dragged her where everyone was watching Andy.

Lucy didn't wanna let go so she didn't and neither did Aaron.

As they kept on walking she heard steps behind her,

A voice from behind them announced, "Hey Lucy, smile!" Kym got her attention and took a photo of the two looking back holding hands.

"KYM!" Lucy scolded her, Kym winked at her. "I'll send you it later." she mouthed, Aaron wasn't that dumb.

He read her lips, "Send me it too." Aaron chuckled.

Lucy put her hand on the bridge of her nose in embarrassment.

Stacy and her friends came over, "Hey Stacy, I like your kicks" Matteo complimented, Stacy just looked at him and then at Andy, then walked away.

"Andy, smile!" Aaron told him, holding up a camera Kym had before. Lucy was about to laugh but got interrupted by Zaara screaming, the whole room got silent. "Sorry." she stated.

Then everyone went back to what they were doing. For the rest of the night Lucy and her friends were doing Tiktok dances.

"Should we go join them?" Aaron and Andy looked at the girls.

"Nah—" Andy smacks Aaron with a balloon on the head.

"THATS IT—" Aaron chased after him.


this was so short but I kept changing the OC and the OC name so I reset everything, hope you enjoyed!

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐂𝐊 ' 𝐀𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ