part eight: huddle up

Start from the beginning

"People really take this seriously, don't they?" I looked around with my eyebrows raised. Wendy laughed.

"It's all for fun. It's a small town with not much in it so we kinda have to make the most of it."

I nodded, just as a man took the stage and began speaking, "Welcome everyone to the Silver Falls High Homecoming Huddle and charity drive! Let's give it up for our very own, Bighorns cheerleaders and marching band!"

He ran off the stage, just as a bunch of girls came on in cheer uniforms with pompoms. Off to the sides, groups of kids with tall hats and red uniforms carrying instruments started to play an upbeat tune.

The cheerleaders started to perform to the song as people started going crazy. Ella suddenly shook us both by the shoulders.

"Look there's Nicole!" she pointed to the left side of the stage where Nicole stood at the front of group, holding a huge drum.

"Nicky!" Wendy yelled. Nicole looked over at us, smiling as she continued playing.

"How are you liking it, Y/n. Not too bad, huh?" Ella nudged me. I grinned, looking around.

"It's actually pretty cool." I laughed, just as the song ended and the cheerleaders ended their dance. Everyone applauded as the girl in the front took the microphone and walked to the front of the stage.

"How are we doing, Bighorns?" she greeted, to which the crowd cheered. I clapped, leaning over to Wendy.

"That's Erin, right?"

"Mm-hmm. She's head cheerleader and president of the student council."

"Also one of Cole's girls." Ella chimed in, "I'm sure you're familiar with that."

I grimaced, "Unfortunately a little."

A man then went on stage as the crowd cheered once again.

"And who's that?"

"Mato Summerhill. He was the star quarterback in, like, the nineties and he's, like, the town celebrity. Everyone loves him." Ella explained.

He waved out to the crowd and took the microphone, "Wow! Thank you for that warm welcome. I just want to take this moment to give my deepest gratitude for everyone coming out to support the school football team."

Another round of cheers. Honestly didn't anyone in this town ever get tired of cheering?

"And a friendly reminder to you all that this year's worthy cause, giving the school theater auditorium a much-needed makeover. So please give as generously as you can! Go, Bighorns! Whoo!"

The crowd cheered yet again and finally began to disperse.

"Wow, I don't think I've seen that much spirit in the last five minutes than I've done in my whole life." I said sarcastically.

"It's fun, isn't it." Ella laughed, taking us both by the hands again, "Now come on. I want a caramel apple!"

The next two hours flew by and I saw some very interesting things. I saw a lot of yelling and dancing, and even saw a good amount of shirtless guys with painted stomachs.

To be honest, I wasn't too fazed. I mean, let's be real, I lived in New York my whole life. I've definitely seen worse, but never for something like school.

"Are you sure you can't just ditch your cart?" Ella complained as the three of us walked back to the Walter's Cider stand after they both insisted on walking me.

"I would love to but I would get in so much trouble if Katherine or George found out." I sighed.

"Well maybe you could manage to get out early?" Wendy shrugged. I nodded, thinking about it.

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now