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Many years ago, a group of scientists known as the SCALE (Society for Carnivore Archaeology and Localized Entities) experimented with a program, called Project Jurassic, an array of multiple theme parks located all around the world, that were populated by dinosaurs and other ancient creatures, created from prehistoric DNA.

They took the DNA from other close relatives such as alligators, crocodiles, frogs, lizards, and birds, to create the well known dinosaurs and other extinct creatures. After many years of experimentation, it was a success.

Whilst the public enjoy a Utopian dinosaur theme park, The scientists wanted more, they felt they didn't have enough. Greed got to the best of them and decided to create something even more powerful. They started interbreeding different species to create more show stopping creatures.

But during the experiment, something went very wrong. These dinosaurs became smarter and stronger and turned against its creators.

Finally a day came, when the genetically modified carnivores suddenly turned on its creators, escaped. All around the world, these creatures began killing people in the cities and nothing could be done to stop these monstrous creatures.

Twenty years have passed since the beginning of the apocalypse...

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