Lost in war.

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Brighton, London June 1917 📍

The engine yawned, It was morning the sun was visible over the horizon. the cool ocean breeze blowing against his axels, Another engine, one of his brothers. "107" had woke up as well. He looked over a his brother. Yawning tired from the shunting before. "Good morning Thomas" Thomas Replied "good morning Ethan, Another busy Night Huh?" Ethan

watched the ocean as the water glistened. "Yep, although the yard will calm down. I mean this is one of the many popular stations of London." He chuckled as he looked at Thomas.
"I don't get how you would want to leave all
This behind some times." Thomas scoffed at Ethan. "I love this place, I mean how could I not. It's perfect. Not to mention I'd be leaving all of you guys. But I wish I could see more
beyond the rails of Brighton Ethan. I want to see the world."

Ethan looked at his brother "the worlds a big pl-" Thomas interjected.
"You know that's not what I meant. I want to know what's out there. Out side this stupid station, I want to show everyone im not just a silly little tank engine who shunts and pulls wagons all day." Ethan sighed, he understood how Thomas felt. He knew His brother was getting bored of his duty's as one of the many station pilots. "Thomas I know you want to see more but-, it's your duty. You can't just leave whenever you want." Thomas rolled his eyes.

Just then his crew arrived as climbed into his cab, they lit his fire. Thomas sighed. "I could leave whenever I want. Anytime. Any day, you've just never tried before." Ethan looked at his brother sternly. "Because I don't have a reason to leave. I like where I am. And you should be to." Thomas ignored Ethan, Plotting how he could leave the station and see the world beyond the seaside town of Brighton. His fireman shoveled coal into his firebox, his driver opened his regulator. His driver looked out his window and patted on his cab and spoke "We've got lucky today Thomas" said his driver "We're taking a goods train to Waterloo, be better be careful though even though we haven't been attacked we're still in the middle of a wa-" Thomas interrupted his driver "Careful my Bunker, even if we we're to get attacked I'd get us out of there faster the Billington can design a new engine." Ethan groaned. "Your getting to puffed up in the funnel of your Thomas. One day you'd wish you had listened like the rest of us." Thomas let out some steam his whistle as he was getting ready "I'd rather work for the LMS Than listen to you. You can't be talking about listening when you didn't wait for your guard and almost di-" his fireman spoke up. "That's enough out of you 108, we've got a train to take to Waterloo and we'll be careful." Thomas was furious, His own crew wasn't taking his side. "108?!" He said "I have a name it's tho-" his fireman spoke again. "Name or not 108 is the number on your sides. And it's your number correct? Now let's get going" Thomas's whistle blew as he left the shed heading towards the Station

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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