vi. The other side of the door

Start from the beginning

"You wanna tell me what your stupid treasure hunt is about?" She answered back. When both boys remained silent and exchanged glances, she sighed. "Exactly." She turned around to grab her purse, taking out a makeup bag from it and raising it up so both boys could see. "Bathroom?"

As the brunette entered the bathroom to touch up her makeup, John B turned towards JJ, "Dude, we've gotta tell her! She's getting suspicious, who knows what she'll do?!" He whispered shouted towards his blonde friend, who simply rolled his eyes.

"JB, we've gone through this already. If we find it today...we'll be rich. She doesn't need the money now, does she?" John B still doubted slightly of his friend. "I don't know man..."

JJ walked towards his friend, putting his hands on his shoulders, "If we're right about this, we won't have to hide this from anyone ever again. We've got nothing to lose. She does."

Before John B could reply, Cassie walked out of the bathroom, "How long since you've cleaned that bathroom dude? I can barely see my reflection in the mirror." As she noticed both boy looking at her awkwardly, both frozen by her presence, she tilted her head. "What did you guys do?"

"Nothing!" John B exclaimed. "We just remembered that we have this thing-" He looked at JJ in dispair hoping that he'd cover for him.

"Oh yeah! That thing..."

"So you should go..."

Cassie frowned, "Oh. Well, I was about to leave anyways so..." She shrugged, grabbing her purse. Before leaving, she turned around to look at the pair.

"Thanks for yesterday. I don't know what would've happened if..." She stopped before saying anything else as he noticed the boys' pitiful looks. "Just thank you."


The day had gone by awfully slowly. After her fight with Sarah, Cassie had to admit that she had no one to hang out with. She considered texting some of the girls from her school to hang out, but who was she kidding?

This is why she currently found herself tanning on her pool alone, a margarita on one hand and a book on the other. Her peace was suddenly interrupted by her mother, "Cassie, darling!" The girl groaned before placing the things to her side and standing up, wrapping a towel around her mid waist.

"Oh there you are!" Grace Lockwood walked towards her daughter. She grimaced slightly, grabbing a handful of hair, "Sweetie, your hair looks awful. You should start using those magic drops I bought for you, those ends are dry enough to work as a broom."

Cassie nodded her head, backing up so that her mother would let go of her hair, "Did you need anything?" She asked curiously, Grace gasped, "Oh yes, right! So, I've gotta go run some errands," Cassie rolled her eyes slightly. "But I'll be home for dinner. Make sure to tell Edna what you want to eat tonight."

The younger brunette tried to mask her annoyance behind a tight lip smile. "Sure, I can do that." She complied. Grace grinned from ear to ear, giving the girl a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you honey."

As she walked towards the doors, her back facing Cassie, she exclaimed, "Oh and sweetie, you should avoid eating so many calories, that bikini is giving you back fat!"

After picking up her things and downing what was left of her margarita, the teenager smoothly walked towards the kitchen, finding Edna in the room. The older woman smiled at the sight of the young girl. "Cassandra, dear. Do you need anything?" Cassie shrugged and sat on a stool.

"Well, mother wanted me to help you with dinner. I was thinking Greek chicken salad?" Edna hummed, nodding her head. She'd always had the sweetest soul Cassie had ever seen, always refusing to let the young girl help her in any way, whether it was in the kitchen or in other house chores.

Endgame  ||  JJ Maybank Where stories live. Discover now