and now i have to act like i can't read your mind

Start from the beginning

But right now, he feels like chucking it at his sister's head.

Although, his malicious thoughts were interrupted as Vera walks into the kitchen, greeting Gracelyn sweetly and sending a small smile towards him as she takes a seat on a barstool.

She folds her arms and rests them on top of the marble countertop, letting her eyes flicker between them. "What's up?" Her tone is soft and perky, just as it normally is.

Adam couldn't believe it. He narrows his eyes.

She's just going to sit there and act like nothing happened?

"Nothing much," Gracelyn replies, sounding a little irritated from the prior exchange she had with her not-so-little brother, "Adam's being a slight bitch, though. Do you have any clue as to why?"

The blonde pretends to be interested in taking a bite of his protein bar, honestly a little curious of what her reaction will be. He's expecting her visibly get anxious, all batty-eyed and fumbling over her words.

It's not like he wants her to suddenly behave like that. He'd probably feel even more terrible, but at least it would show that she still somewhat cares.

But, Vera remains composed, shrugging a shoulder as she rolls her tongue over her teeth. "Nope," she looks right at him with a phony, confused expression, "no idea."

The brunette grows regretful as she watches him swallow hard and flee from eye-contact.

She didn't mean to come off as rude or sardonic.

All she really wants is for him to move past it and go back to how things were before.

Vera thought the best way to do that was to dismiss everything that had happened last night and pray that he'd follow in pursuit.

That doesn't seem to be the case, though, as Adam quietly finishes off his bar and 'sets' his dirty cup in the sink. (He slams it.) His gaze averts to the floor as he passes both of the girls, teeth digging into the side of his cheek.

Gracelyn gives Vera a look.

Before the blonde leaves, he turns around, hand gasping onto the trim of the doorway beside him. "Be ready in ten, Sinclair. I want to be back on campus before lunch."

Vera's taken aback from the harsh usage of her last name. She looks back at him with a tilted head.

"I thought we were heading back tomorrow-"

"Yeah, well, plans change." He lets go of the doorway and walks towards the stairs, "Meet me outside with all your shit in ten."


"Nine minutes, now." The boy warns, "I don't think your boyfriend would appreciate you showing up like that, so don't keep this up!"
(He chokes on the word because he knows she doesn't look bad at all. She's beautiful, and for some reason, it hurts.)


Does he mean Hayden?

Oh, hell no!

  Vera doesn't even mind the fact that he commented on her appearance. (He's a sweet boy. She knew he would never mean such a cruel thing.) Though honestly, she figured she wasn't looking the best with her knotted hair that was thrown up into a tight bun, and unwashed face of melted makeup from the night before — but she definitely, somehow, looks better than him.

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