Held Me Just Right

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If he's always ok

and I never am,

and he asks how I'm doing

every day that I see him...

Is it the perfect fit?

Or comically destructive?

Do I bring him down

like he brings me up?

That wasn't what I wanted.

But he doesn't seem to mind it.

In fact he almost seems to like me.

I make him smile,

and he proves what they all can't:

that I can make someone happy.

Just by being me.

It's not love.

Who knows if I'll get there again?

But I'm not trying with him.

I just want to see him happy.

I want to practice being a good friend.

Try to understand,

he's shown me that I want to feel.

And that I can.

How can I thank him?

Will he know?

My friends and family won't know who to thank

when I let them hold me more.

And my children won't know,

if I do end up having them,

that it was this guy,

on cold nights,

that held me just right again.

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