chapter five

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Caraxes landed outside the dragon pit where Rhaella was met by a group of men in robes speaking a language she was unfamiliar with to the snake like dragon.

"Come Rhaella, we are to meet the King." Daemon said pulling off his riding gloves. Rhaella glared at him but followed him into a carriage. She watched out a small crack in the carriage, watching the city pass by. She had never been anywhere but Winterfell before, she was amazed by the city around her.

"I do not understand what you gain by bringing me here." Rhaella spat, hunched in her seat. Daemon looked over at the girl and shook his head.

"I only wish for my eldest daughter to have a better life, is that a crime?" He spat back just as fierce. Rhaella scoffed at him.

"I had a life, it may not have been perfect but it was my life." She stared into his violet eyes that reflected her own.

"I've never known a person to say no to titles and power. You will have a real name, a royal status. You should be thanking me." He said leaning back against the carriage. Rhaella just crossed her arms and pouted at her father.

When they finally arrived to the keep the pair walked through the dark halls to the throne room. When the large doors opened Rhaella was stunned at the sight infront of her. The iron throne was a sight, in it sat the King with the Queen standing by his side.

"Daemon, good to see you home again." The king said with a smile, Slowly standing from his seat to greet his brother.

"Your grace." Daemon said giving the king a nod. Rhaella stood a few feet back from Daemon watching the pair talk amongst themselves.

"And you must be Rhaella." Viserys spoke with a smile looking over at the girl. Rhaella looked up at him with concern in her eyes. She didn't say a word, that's when the queen joined them.

"Well that is no way to greet your king young lady." The queen Alicent spoke harshly. Viserys just chuckled and Daemon gave her an annoyed look.

"I'm sure you can straighten her out in lessons, yes Rhaella? Learn to be a proper lady." Daemon smiled. Rhaella still stood in silence.

"A quiet one eh? That's alright Im sure you'll be comfortable here soon enough." Viserys spoke.

"We've prepared a room for the young lady, I shall escort her." The Queen said beginning to make her way out of the throne room. Rhaella was hesitant to follow her, but Daemon shooed her along.

"I will see you at supper." Daemon said and continued his conversation with the king. Rhaella sighed and followed the queen through the halls of the keep.

"So Rhaella, Ive set out a schedule for you to follow for your day to days here." The Queen said, opening a door to her new room.

"I don't follow schedules." Rhaella laughed but the queen was not amused.

"If you're going to be a proper lady, you will follow schedule. Lessons will be given with my daughter Helaena, but you will have plenty of time to do as you wish. I've laid out a dress for supper, get cleaned up and unpacked. Ser Rickard Thorne will escort you to dinner." The Queen said before leaving the girl alone.

Rhaella sighed and looked around the empty room. Her bags were already brought in by servants so she quickly began her unpacking.

Just across the hall was young prince Aemonds chambers. He had been watching the pair from afar. Aemond heard the rumors of Daemons bastard daughter in the north but never thought the day would come where she would be recognized as a true Targaryen.

He seemed to never be able to get away from bastards. The princess Rhaenyra had two sons believed to be bastards and another on the way. He hated those Strong boys, they never showed him a kindness.

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