karaoke 🎤

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Bf got a message from Grace saying that if they Will like to 'karaoke' , bf was thinking if he want to or not. " babe ?" Bf told pico . " hmm " " Grace told US if we go with her to karaoke." " hmm in think.. maybe blue. You decide." Pico walked off to spray paint. Bf text Grace that they both aceppted . Bf 🖌️🎨: we Will go! Gf💖: ok meet me at 500pm ! Bf🖌️🎨: k bye ! Bf put the phone up then got ready . " hey toghie! Lets get ready ! " " okay babe.". Pico said . Bf got on some red Jordan's . A blue sweater that says pico on it ,blue ripped jeans , and he took a black beanie. ( i'm changing them soo \( oo)/ )  pico was wearing  .  Black jacket, white Adidas, black pants  . ( he has
His hood on )  " You ready ? " pico said . "Yep!  Lets go!!"  Bf  got exicted.   Pico held bf hand  . Pico then held his hand then Opened the car door for him. " m' lady. "  bf giggles . Both got in the car then drove to the place. TIME SKIPPED! // ///////////////////////////////////.     They arived to the place called kero- Funk.  They got in the place then noticed Grace with a pink dress , with sleeves. And white NIKES.  " Benji !! " Grace hugged bf . " hey Grace ! "  " come on !! " Grace held bf hand then ran to the place. Pico chuckled ,then followed bf and Grace . " soooo whos going first ? "  " fineee i'll go .. " Grace wined . " okay what  song You want ? " " can sing My song lovers? ( the song Grace and senpai singed.) " sure ! "  Grace was singing her heart out . 

Song ended .  " thats great!! " bf cheered. " thanks You ! " pico was just clapping his hands .

" Benji?" " Grace ..." Benji.." Grace.."  " pleaseeeee " Grace wined . " fine, the song is "i'll be yours  from raiden x chanyeol ." " Benji thats korean You sure ??! "  " i know korean ,now put it ." K"  Grace pulled up  the song then went on . Grace sat down , next to pico. Pico was listening to his lover sing . He feels calm with his soft , high pitched , voice .  Grace was listening then mumbles some of the lyrics.  The song was done , bf heard clapping . " wonderful baby blue ! " pico smiled , while clapping. " now it's pico turn! " Grace said ..." fine, Also the song is " slow dancing in the dark by 'joji . Bf pulled up the song.  Pico got up and grabed the micro phone . While pico was singing . The song pico sing , he loved the song while he was in love with bf in highschool. ( HOW romantic )  bf eyes sparkels. Grace was inpressed .  Soon ended .  Bf clapped hard as he can . "Whoo !" Bf cheers . Grace giggled , pico bowed then chuckled.  It was getting dark.

They all decided to hed home.  " that was fun ! Maybe we can do it again sometime ?!"  " You pico ? " " sure i enjoyed that. "  " sure Grace !"   " okay bye !! " Grace waved she walked away giggling .  Bf hugged pico . " that was fun ."  " sure was." " baby blue wanna get a snack ?"  " yeah but i'm tired ." Bf yawned.  Pico Opened the car door for bf then got in.   TIME SKIPPED
Bf and pico we're in bed . "Love You goodnight pico.." yawned * " good night baby blue."  They both cuddled. Then fell asleep.   Hi guys i'm exicted for My college to start but i Will take thing computer with me  , sooo don't be scared to lose My
Me !!  Happy NEW year of  jan ,1 ,24  words 💖: 557😭

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