Chapter 1 Into the deep sleep

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As it is another great day, and the amazing digital circus, things have been going very well, even though there are sometimes that certain thoughts can plague the mind.As right now these are one of those days that no one can handle as the newbie Ponmi isn't handling all that well, so is everybody else as the ringmaster as well as the assistant, isn't doing well. Even Ziggy isn't handling it that well so it was a bad day for everybody here.

But Caine couldn't just let the others stay like this. He knows what's bothering him and Bubble not to mention Ziggy as well, but he couldn't let the other see them like that at least not right now.So an idea came into his mind that can make things work out so that the others will know what's going on with them and they can deal with their own issues.

Soon he is able to find a digital beach to send the others away, leaving him and his assistant even Ziggy to unwind for a little bit before coming back when adventure is over.As nobody even complained about it, so that was good for the ringleader.Soon as the theme song is done he quickly wanted to get the others out because he didn't want them to see him, his assistant, and Ziggy like this.

So he quickly took them all to the door and put them out intuitive beach without any explanation.As soon as they are all gone it became safe for Ziggy & Bubble even himself to just decompressed for the day until the adventure is over.

As for a long while now as it was unclear where it started it became clear that whenever he and his assistant, even Ziggy felt like this, they weren't safe to be around.At least for a while until the adventure is over as it is now simply a matter of waiting for everything to be over.But it's gonna be a long time though before this thing is over with as everything felt so off as this always happened but it seems to be getting even more worse than ever before.

As it make things so much more difficult to handle it was a good thing that the others weren't there to see them like this.Soon there is a sound that made Ziggy jump causing him into bump into Bubble and making him moving around around all crazy and causing Caine to be pulled out of his thoughts.As this is a another sound that came. As it's unclear where the sound is coming from.

It couldn't be from the other. They were just at the new location far away from the entire circus and grounds.So where is the sound coming from as more followed as well it was unclear as to why, and especially since they were all not doing so well at the moment. In order to make sure that whatever is couldn't see them when they are like this, they decided to investigate.As they decided to go in each part of the circus as Ziggy went over to the south, as he'll meet up with the others in the centre after the investigation is over.

Including how Bubble went to the west part of the circus, and will be back to meet up with the others later.Then Caine decided to go over to the north side and will be back to meet up soon in the centre as it is taking a long time as the sound seem to be close, but so far away.As it's been driving him and the others crazy as he continues on searching everything just feels so off.

This always happens to him and the others but it's never been this bad before it felt like they were all going to snap anytime. As those thoughts poked a way in their minds, causing them to do some habits of theirs that they were not proud of.

(" Whatever is here is really getting on my nerves, including on the others as well. It's always happened but it's never been this bad before those thoughts happen clawing away. It's driving me insane. I'm pretty sure the others have those thoughts too. As I nearly gave into one of those last time during one of the adventures, I set up.As Jax have been causing problems as always, but it was starting to get on my nerves and the thought ended my head, and I nearly ended up doing it when I changed the adventure dramatically like that. I was able to get myself under control when I heard Kinger screaming about an insect collection. I can't believe I nearly did that though, including how Ziggy almost mentioned how he nearly bit Pomni not to mention how Bubble wanted to destroy some mask as of late. It's a good thing I sent them all out before we nearly did anything we might've regretted not to mention the fact that we always fail every time no matter how hard we try anyone of them abstract, and they have to be sent to the caller. Including the fact that our world is so different from before and that there's no exit. It's just driving me and the other is crazy including our doubts. I should probably head back by now. It's weird that I haven't heard anything from Ziggy. It's not like him at all not to mention that Bubble isn't responding either it's not like him either. Maybe they'll already be back at the centre where I should be going.")

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