Why Fangirls Should Not Be Allowed On The Internet

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(iLoveKira has created a conversation)

(AFanficWriter has joined the conversation)

(CakeForTheWorld has joined the conversation)

CakeForTheWorld: Why is no one ever up at 3:00 am?

AFanficWriter: Sleep? Sleep is for the weak.

iLoveKira: Who needs sleep.

CakeForTheWorld: Don't tell me you're a Kira worshipper.

iLoveKira: I'm more on the side of L.

AFanficWriter: I'm on neither side.

CakeForTheWorld: Uh yeah, I hate Kira and I side with L.

iLoveKira: You are L.

AFanficWriter: Aaaaand there she goes.

CakeForTheWorld: Um...

iLoveKira: I'm psychic.


iLoveKira:  NO I DO

CakeForTheWorld: Okay I'm calling 911.

AFanficWriter: But you are the police Ryuzaki.

CakeForTheWorld: You don't know my name! I'm not L!

iLoveKira: Yes you are. L Lawliet.

AFanficWriter: You're scaring him!

CakeForTheWorld: How the- yes. I am L. Please don't hurt me.

AFanficWriter: Told you so.

iLoveKira: We won't hurt you L! We love you!

AFanficWriter: I also ship you with Light.

iLoveKira: Great now you're scaring him.

CakeForTheWorld: I'm going to find what country's police to inform...

AFanficWriter: L NU PLZ

iLoveKira: PLZ

CakeForTheWorld: Fine. I won't if you go away.

AFanficWriter: Fine. Light Yagami is Kira btw. *huggles L*

iLoveKira: I LOVE YOU L

(AFanficWriter has left the conversation)

(iLoveKira has left the conversation)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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