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TWS: Fainting, stress, sickness, mention of self-harm, veryyyy long chapter

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling high school campus. Changbin, usually a ball of energy and laughter among his friends, dragged himself through the halls with a hoodie pulled tightly around him. His steps were sluggish, and his normally vibrant eyes seemed dull.

Chan, the unofficial leader of their tight-knit group, exchanged a worried glance with Minho as they watched Changbin approach.

"Hey, man, you look like you're about to pass out," Chan said, concern etched across his face.

Changbin managed a weak smile. "Just a little tired, I guess. Didn't sleep well last night."

But the hoodie he wore, despite the warm spring weather, told a different story. It clung to him as if trying to shield him from the invisible chill that had taken residence within. His friends noticed, and the concern deepened.

Throughout the day, Changbin's condition only worsened. The usually lively chatter of their group was subdued as they exchanged worried glances and hushed conversations about their friend's well-being. Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin all took turns expressing their concern and offering help.

At lunch, they gathered at their usual spot under the large oak tree in the courtyard. Changbin's gaze drifted, unfocused, as he pushed food around on his tray.

"Changbin, seriously, are you okay?" Minho asked, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Changbin shrugged weakly. "Just a little under the weather, that's all. I'll be fine."

Chan shot a sceptical look at him. "Under the weather? More like you've caught the entire storm."

The others chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, but Changbin's forced laughter was drowned out by a sudden fit of coughing. He doubled over, clutching his chest as the coughs wracked his body.

"Okay, that's it. You're going home," declared Jisung, always the pragmatic one.

Changbin looked up, pleading with his eyes. "I asked my mom if I could stay home, but she thinks I'm faking it."

"Your mom needs a reality check," Seungmin remarked, rolling his eyes. "You're clearly not okay."

Frustration etched across Changbin's face, but before anyone could come up with a plan to convince his mother, the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. The group reluctantly dispersed, their concern lingering like a heavy cloud over the rest of the day. They couldn't shake the feeling that their friend needed more help than he was willing to admit.

The final bell echoed through the hallways, signalling the start of the last class of the day. Changbin, despite the protests of his friends, insisted on attending. He couldn't bear the thought of falling behind, even if his body was begging for rest.

As the group filed into the classroom, Changbin took his usual seat, the hoodie still wrapped tightly around him. The teacher, Mrs Kim, noted his appearance with a furrowed brow but didn't comment. The lesson began, but Changbin's focus wavered between the chalkboard and the ache in his bones.

Chan, seated next to him, passed a small notebook discreetly. "Write a note to the teacher. Tell her you need to go to the nurse or something."

Changbin hesitated for a moment, glancing at the concerned faces of his friends. With a sigh, he scribbled a brief message and passed it to Mrs. Kim.

"I'm not feeling well. Can I go to the nurse?"

Mrs Kim read the note, her expression softening. "Of course, Changbin. Take care of yourself."

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