
937 60 2

Repair date: January 25th

The departure from the county to the capital was strange but at the same time calm, there was no farewell in the middle of any family, just some shouts from the townspeople wishing their young master a good trip, which Cale thought was very strange since he still doesn't get used to being loved by the people.

Although Cale thinks he saw Lily, her younger sister, timidly waving at him through the window, Cale doesn't know if he really saw her or not but he smiles fondly at the window, just in case.

Although there was nothing more than a farewell through Lily's window, Cale knows that someone else who was not from his town said goodbye to him.

That person who snuck into his room last night and left him a letter.

See you in the capital, I'm glad you recovered quickly.

- Human

There could only be two people, but Cale quickly ruled out the second one that came to mind because he was the one responsible for his injury, so he had to be the first.


'Why the hell did he refer to himself as human? That man is strange'

The trip to the capital was quite calming, although there were some things that Cale disliked.

First there were the idiots who had tried to attack them, he was surprised but not that surprised, the rebels do what they want and do not think about the symbol of powerful houses, like the Henituse house.

After that, he had no encounters worth telling, only annoyances that ruined the beautiful admiration of nature.

When he arrived at the capital he was surprised to see the charm of the capital, Cale had gone to the capital but he never took the time to admire the beauty of the place, at this moment he admired everything that in his past life he could not afford to do.

He was also enchanted by the Henituse mansion, in his past life he couldn't take advantage of any of this, so he decided to do it correctly this time.

Cale walked towards the entrance being greeted by looks full of respect and sincere smiles, Cale did not understand the reason. Unknown to him, multiple letters had arrived from the servants of the Henituse house to the house they have in the capital. telling them to treat his young master with the respect that he deserves, and also telling them how very kind he was to them since the truth was discovered

"Please raise your heads, ask Hans if you have any curiosity about how I like to be treated or anything that has to do with the house, I am sure that all of you are worthy of the title of working for the Henituse family, our servants." "They are always the best so please work hard but don't forget your health, if you are not in good health just tell Hans and he will arrange to have someone else do your homework so you can go home and rest.

Cale spoke sincerely, taking the time to tell the servants that his health is much more important than serving him, something that was normal for him but that touched the hearts of the servants, smiling even more when they realized that what the letters They said it was true, there was no hint of trash in their young master, only kindness.

Hans smiled watching this, walking beside his young master as he entered the capital house.

The door that slammed was to warn that someone from the Henituse family had arrived in the capital, and since all the nobles were aware that it was Cale Henituse who would attend this time, they were praying that he would not do anything crazy.

After all, Cale is only trash in the eyes of the nobles and the majority who claim to know his personality, his true personality was a secret only to those of Henituse County, just as his young master asked them. 

That was something a trash wouldn't do, Cale didn't force anyone to keep the secret, instead he asked that they please not tell anything, a trash would never say please but the commoners heard their young master politely ask for many things, saying for please and thank you.

Young Master Cale was definitely not trash.

But obviously the others didn't know that, causing fear and disgust thinking that they would have to be in the same place as that garbage and disappointment of the Henituse family.

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