first murder (investigate part 1)

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"fufu what's wrong? Did something happen? Why is everyone so silent!" The "principal" said angrily

Saki:let us have a break will ya?! We need some time to process stuff!

Mikukuma:butttt I have some motives!!!

Minori: motives..?

Mikukuma: motives are stuff that makes you drive into despair!!!

Airi : we will never drive into despair!

All: yeah!/I agree

Mikukuma:well after hearing this motive you all surely will start killing..

Ichika:what do you mean?!

Mikukuma:wellll the motives are: if you don't kill I'm the next 24 hours everyone here will die!

As everyone stared in silence mikukuma continued talking

Mikukuma:fufu I wonder who will be the first to kill!

-Time skip -


Saki:I can't believe this is happening! And my brother is still unconscious..

Shiho: don't worry he's gonna be fine

As shiho completed her sentence we heard a loud tut up stairs

Saki: wh-what was that!

Honami:I'm not sure buto we should investigate the sound

All-h: right!

As we all made our ways up stairs we heard an announcement

"Ding dong bing bong"

Mikukuma: A body has been discovered please make way to the third floor !

Saki:wh-what someone killed?!

Honami: quickly we should head upstairs!

We quickly went upstairs and the first thing we saw was a puddle of blood...

Saki:who died?!


Everyone quickly arrived to the third floor

Mikukuma:fufu now that everyone is here... Here is a tablet of the body and stuff

Ichika:ugh who could've done this?!..

Saki:I think it's best if we investigate the body!



Body:An shoraishi

Estimated death time: 5:05 Am

Description: the victim died from blood lost and with a sharp object

Ichika:saki can you help look if there are any
Sharp objects near the body?

Saki:I will try

Honami:I will look at the rooms if there are any bloody objects!

Tsukasa pov:

Tsukasa whispers: oww.. what happened..?

-Flash back-

Shizuku: I will try to open the door!


As Tsukasa waited for shizuku to open the door he then heard something fell as he turned around he saw a figure?

Tsukasa:wh-what..! Who're you?!

"Oh I'm kaitokuma but you better not tell anyone about this okay? And I also have to knock you out.."

-end of flash back-

Tsukasa:right.. now I remember but where am I..? Is this a gym?

???: correcto!

Tsukasa:e-eh?! Who's there!

???:fufufu the one and only mikukuma!


Mikukuma: I just said that! But here youre monopad

Tsukasa:monopad? How does this thing work?

Mikukuma:wellll if a body Discovery has been found the monopad will show you the time of death,who died and blah blah. But you should go to the third floor! Someone just died!

Tsukasa:died?! Who!

Mikukuma:gosh just look at the monopad!

Tsukasa: right..

I opened the monopad to see who and what happened


Victim:An shoraishi

Time of death:5:05 Am

Description: the victim died from blood lost and with a sharp object


Mikukuma:fufu you should go check! everyone must be in despair!

And like that mikukuma left

Tsukasa -mind-

She said something about the body being at the third floor..? Maybe I should go check there

As I walked up to the third floor I saw everyone asking each other what evidence they found

Tsukasa -mind-

Maybe I should go investigate the second floor before introducing myself

Tsukasa:this must be the second floor... Is that blood on floor?! I have to go check if that person's alright!

As I ran to the puddle of blood on the floor I saw someone lying dead on the floor..

"Ding don bing bong"

Mikukuma:a body has been discovered! Oh wow two murders in the same day! How exciting! Please make way to the second floor!

Third floor pov:

Ichika:has anyone found anything?

Saki:I found a glass shard!

Honami: I found a broken glass door with a blood stain!

Everyone quickly told everyone what they found and then we suddenly heard another announcement..

"Ding don bing bong"

Mikukuma:a body has been discovered! Oh wow two murders in the same day! How exciting! Please make way to the second floor!

Ichika:another body?! But if everyones here then who could've found the body

Minori:we can find out who found the body if we go to the second floor!

All:right let's go!

Everyone quickly went down to the second floor to see who died and found the body

Tsukasa pov:

Tsukasa -mind- Emu is dead?!

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