"I never knew you guys were going to date, Judy and I started having sex way before you asked her out" he muttered calmly

"Jordan stop" I gritted out glaring at him, but he spared me no glance at all, instead he just kept on talking

"So I suggest you chill and stop making a fuss about all of this"

I heard Andre scoff and I looked at him, he balled his hands into a fist and his eyes were bloodshot red in anger.

"I'm making a fuss about this? I caught you kissing my girlfriend and you're telling me to chill"? He asked, he scoffed turning around, the moment he turned back again to face Jordan, his fist came flying forward and landed on Jordan's face

All I heard was bone cracking and when I looked, Jordan had blood on his lip
I gasped out

"Andre I don't wanna fight you, but you need to calm down" he said calmly

"I should calm down huh"? He asked before his fists connected with Jordan's face again, this time it sent him flying to the ground.

He groaned before he got up again

"Andre stop" I whispered already feeling the tears blinding my vision.
He didn't even pay any attention to me

I saw his hands move in motion and the metal scaffolding on the bed came off and went straight to Andre's hands, he grabbed it midair and struck Jordan with it on the face, I heard cracking sounds.

"Andre please, stop" I muttered my voice trembling
Jordan was already on the ground struggling to get up, Andre hit him again on the head.

If he was a normal human, he would be dead already with the hit Andre had given him but he still stood up and faced him

"I'm trying not to fight you Andre, you and I both know who's gonna win if I do" he muttered cleaning the blood off his lips with his hands

Andre didn't say anything, instead his hands sets in motion again and a piece of metal from the closet came off and almost hit Jordan in the head but he dodged it and it went flying across the wall.

Andre used that as a distraction and grabbed him by the collar before his fists him again on the face, he groaned and pushed Andre off, his eyes found mine and I could tell he really didn't want to fight Andre.

I had to do something, if I just stood and watch them both, then one of them is bound to get hurt really bad.

I closed my eyes and let the tears fall, as I took off my gloves, I threw them on the floor and walked towards Andre from the back, close enough to touch him but not too close to alert him.

I put my hands on his arms and neck, the parts where he would feel my touch
I shut my eyes.

He turned to look at me, his brown eyes wide and filled with anger, sadness, regret and pain
"I'm sorry" I whispered before I felt myself slip into his head

"You're gonna fall asleep, if you wake up, you won't remember a thing that happened today, forget all that happened here today" I whispered as I felt him slip out of consciousness.

The last thing in his head I got a glimpse of, felt and heard were the words 'i love you Judy'

I quickly let go of him and fell to the floor as the tears flowed freely.
What the fuck have I done
As I sat down there and watched him sleep peacefully, knowing I had just erased a huge part of his memory, I felt a huge stab in my gut.

The fact that I just found out he really is in love with me is another added guilt.
I shut my eyes and took shaky breaths, I moved my hand close to him and wanted to touch him, but they were shaking and I pulled back quickly.

I felt a presence behind me, he bent down and wrapped his hands around my shoulder.
"Jordan what have I done"? I whispered feeling my whole voice shake and the lump in my throat get bigger

He doesn't say anything, he just rubs my back and tries to comfort me, but I doubt anything will erase this feeling from my heart

I sobbed a bit loudly as the silence from Jordan grew and I watched Andre laying down there just sleeping.

He'd wake up hours later and won't remember a thing, he'd still think I was his loving and caring girlfriend.
I exhaled and got up, leaving Jordan there.

I walked into the bathroom, and washed my face in the sink there
I looked up into the mirror and I hated the eyes that was staring back at me

I promised Andre I'd never use my powers on him or anyone I care about, but I broke that promise today.
I betrayed him, not once but twice


I was watching him sleep on the bed while I stroked his hair gently, I was playing with it.
I breathe out and wiped my eyes off.

Jordan had already left and it was just Andre and I.
He helped me put him on the bed, my own bed was creaky because if the missing scaffolding which I had hidden away, we laid on the spare bed in the room, we couldn't go to our place today so we would both have to sleep in my dorm room

I heard him groan and I quickly cleaned my face up and adjusted my self, he turned and faced up before his eyes opened slowly

I was watching him and waiting, I was tense, what if it didn't work?
What if he remembers everything that happened hours ago?

His eyes found mine and he looked at me for a second but for me it felt longer, I held my breath and waited, his face broke into a sweet smile

"Hey baby" he rasped out holding my hands, I relaxed and sighed out before forcing a smile back.

"Hey" I whispered

He got up and rubbed his head, looking around the room he saw my bag and then his eyes rested on me again.

"Did I sleep off"? He asked and I nodded

"Yeah, you uhm came to pick me up and you started saying you had a migraine, so when you slept off I didn't wanna wake you up" I rushed out biting my cheek.

He cleared his throat before sitting up on the bed, he fished his phone out and checked the time.

"We can still go home if you want us to" he stated putting his phone away and looking at me, I just shook my head and looked away.

"No it's late, we should rest here, tomorrow we can go back home" I muttered playing with my fingers, he smiled and pulled me into him before kissing my forehead

My heart was pounding fast and hard, I could barely keep my hands from shaking.
"God, you're right, my head still hurts" he muttered while stroking my arm.

It worked.
I successfully used my powers on a man that loves me.
I am officially a very bad person
I sighed out and shut my eyes, trying to force myself to sleep.
The only thing that keeps running through my mind are the things I saw in his head, the ones I felt.
They'd haunt me for a while.

I feel bad for Andre
He doesn't deserve this at all

Do you think he'd ever find out about Jordan and Judy?

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