
"Sarah! Sarah!" Was the first thing the Greene women heard as she regained consciousness. The dull in her head seemed to be getting progressively worse as she tried to lift her head, her eyelids heavy as she reluctantly pried them open as she tried to raise her hand to pull herself up from the chair she was sat on, however she quickly realised that she was bound to a chair by her hands and feet.

Sarah groaned, her tone gruff and groggy as she tried to wiggle herself free of the tightly bound ropes, as she looked around frantically seeing she was in an unfamiliar room, " what the actually fuck..." she trailed off as her eyes glanced around the room only for Glenn to sigh in relief at the sight of Sarah who was now awake, " Oh, thank god" Sarah turned her head at the familiar voice only to see Glenn tied up on the chair next to her only for a worried look to appear on her face as she took in his appearance making sure that he's okay and wasn't harmed.

" I was starting to think that you were dead" Glenn commented as he looked over at the blonde women making sure that she's all right as she had been unconscious since they were taking from the alley by a group of people. " I'm okay" Sarah breathed out as she sent him a look silently asking him if he's okay only for him to nod his head telling her he's fine, " where the hell are we?" She curiously questioned as her gaze flickered around the room once again.

Glenn shook his head slightly with a shrug of his shoulders pulling on the ropes that was tied around his wrists, " I don't know. They put a bag over our heads as soon as they pushed us into the car. These men took us... it seems to be quite a big group though. I'm so sorry, Sarah... this is all my fault" Sarah frowned in confusion having no idea on why he was apolgizing to her, " For what? You couldn't have known what was going to happen"

" I was suppose to protect you" Glenn grumbled under his breathe as while he didn't want the blonde to come with him he had promised Amy and Rick that he would protect the women and now they ended up in this situation taken away from their own group, " this plan was suppose to be simple. get the bag of guns, get back to the others and search for Merle. And I couldn't even do that and now I've put yours and your baby life at risk"

Sarah had an understanding expression on her face as she glanced at Glenn, " you didn't know that this was going to happen Glenn. You can't blame yourself. This isn't anyone's fault. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and we can't control that... the only thing we can do now is to find a way out of here and make it back to the others" Glee furrowed his brows as he looked down at the tied ropes around their feet and wrists, "Erm, I think you're forgetting something. We can't actually do that when we're tied to a chair"

"Yeah..." Sarah trailed off as she couldn't help but think how they're going to get out of this situation that they could themselves in, " you weren't unconscious was you?" She inquired causing Glenn to shake his head in response, " how long was we in the car for?" Glenn frown deepened as he thought about it, " not that long around probably ten minutes. Why? What are you thinking?"

"We're still in the city then" Sarah stated with a nod of her head, " we can't just wait around for Rick, T-Dog and Daryl to save us we need to get out of here" Glenn had an hesitant expression on his face shaking his head frantically, " we'll get ourselves killed, Sarah. It's best just to wait and hopefully our people will come to some sort of agreement" Sarah rolled her eyes shooting him disappointing look and muttered, " fuck that. Hey! Hello! I know you can hear me! You can't just leave us here like a rat in a passageway!"

Suddenly, the door opened from across the room, revealing three Hispanic men who walked further into the room they were keeping Glenn and Sarah, " Not like a rat, like a defined lady. You will be released as soon as we have our guns and our man back" Sarah scoffed in disbelief glaring over at the man who seemed to be leader of the group, " So sleeping beauty awake. Took you long enough, didn't it?"

𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 - 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें