chapter 2

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It was a new day as Ino again entered the asylum and walked to her new office and back to the lobby area to wait for her patients "lady shizune said the patients have their breakfast at 8 am, so where are they?"

She then saw them come out and gather their breakfast before sitting across from her"you guys are rather late for breakfast" Ino said with a laugh.
"Sasuke was being clingy, he still doesn't trust that you aren't like Sakura" Naruto answered with a little laugh.

Ino laughed even more before saying "you won't have to worry about that. I have my own lover so, I have no interest in anyone else besides him."
Naruto looked at Sasuke and crossed his arms "does that ease your mind now?"

Sasuke sighed and nodded "yes, sorry. I have good reason though with what she put us through" ino smiled worriedly "yes, I know. I can't relate what she did to the two of you; whatever that is, but. Now you know you can trust me."

"Now onto some basic questions! My first question is the length of your relationship?" Ino asked.
"Since we were 10, and before you ask I've dated before dating Sasuke but besides that we've never been with anyone."

"Oh? May I ask who that one person was?"

"Someone from my elementary school named sai" ino's eyes widened as she gasped.
"Sai? he about 5'-7, pitch black hair, super pale, and a very emo-ish zesty fashion sense?"
Naruto made a face of surprise "um..yeah, h-how did you-?"

"That's my boyfriend, we started dating in our first semester of college. I guess he had a type for blondes huh?" Ino joked and the other two laughed with her.
"What a small world, can't say he has a distinct type if he went from stupid blonde to smart blonde" Sasuke said with a smirk as Naruto pouted at his words.

"I was a passing student!"

"Yeah, passing with straight C's" Ino just laughed and moved on.
"Okay, next question. Was there ever a thought of separation?"
"No, well not from me at least" Naruto said
"None from me either, though I have had the urge to whack him across the head for the idiotics things he does" Said Sasuke.

"Oh, how lovely! I think that's all the questions I could actually come up with, you see. I have no clue what exactly I'm supposed to be making about this presentation. I don't see how putting information you told me supposed to help gain my career" ino said sheepishly.
"To be honest, it's very confusing for us as well. I think it makes more sense if you were told to watch over us whilst they observed how well you are at taking care of a mentally ill patient" replied Naruto as he resumed, he also said "maybe ask lady Shizune, or aunt Tsunade? They're the ones that assigned this to you so they have to have a reason."

"I suppose you're right, but in any case. The two of them are working on trying to expand the building since patients are getting agitated on how small their rooms are now, not to mention the fact new patients arrive at least every 5 months. So it'd be bad to disturb them now," ino said as she thought about what exactly she had to do.

"It looks like it's getting late, we should get ready for bed and we'll see you next week?" Naruto said/asked.
"Right! I lost track of time there. I'll see the both of you next week, hopefully I'll have more questions by then" she waved them off as she left.
The two waved back as they went to the showers and then straight to bed for the night.




"So far ino seems to be doing faults in her actions" Shizune said as she and Tsunade watched over the cameras.

"Yes, and Sasuke doesn't seem weary so that's also good. Hopefully it isn't a temporary thing, I can't have the police on my back again because I can't always have you as a witness before they will start getting suspicious"
Shizune nodded "yes. Don't worry, even if it was to come to that I'll figure something out before they question you, remember. They look at the people they deem insane before us."

Tsunade sighed "we can't keep using them as our cover up, especially since Sasuke almost got arrested and Naruto's condition would have been brutally worse."
"We'll think of something if it does come to that, right now let's not worry about it"
Tsunade agreed and went their separate ways after that...not knowing someone was listening in.



"I can't believe she was the one to kill Sakura...what do I do? Do I tell someone?" They couldn't think clearly, how were they supposed to approach this with no evidence besides what they heard. No one would believe them when Tsunade was such a well respected woman to society.

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