"That guy was a gick, he was going to take advantage of you." Sam pointed out.

"So?" Maya looked at her sister weirdly. "What do you mean so?" She now was in the agrgument.

"If I want to hookup with an asshole that's my decision! It's my decision!"

Both Sam and Maya look at there sister knowing she was drunk and angry, "Okay." Sam rolls her eyes.

"Its not about you! I mean you're out of our life's for five years and now you can't leave us alone for five minutes!" Sam looked upset about this and Maya lad her head into Ethans chest, tired, said boy played with her hair hoping to calm her down.

"Because you're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you even gone to see the councillor once?"

"No and I'm not going to!" Tara shouted back.

"Why not?" Sam sighed out.

"Because I'm not interested in living in the past like you are." Tara stated.

"Tara." Maya tried to talk to her sister but was cut off with a harsh glare.

"I'm not gonna let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life."

"Tara...we were almost stabbed to death." Maya sighed, cuddling closer to Ethan for comfort.

"What are you doing Sam, in New York? You're working two shitty jobs, to help with rent or whatever, but what's your plan?" Tara ignored Maya.

Sam stuttered a little as she tried to answer. "I know what me and Maya are going to do!" Tara yelled. "We're going to keep going to college, get our degree and live our life's. Our life's! Okay, We know."

Sam stared at her sister not knowing what to say.

"You just follow us here and you won't let us out of your sight."

"Just trying to look out for you both." Sam said, looking over at Maya to see if she was bothering her as well but Maya just smiled lovingly towards her sister, she knew that Sam just wanted to protect them.

"I-I know. I know you are; you can't do it for the rest of our life though. You have to let us go." Tara runs her hands over her face in frustration.


A strain of gasps left the group as Sam was drenched in cherry coke by some random bitch trying to be cool. "Murderer!"

Maya's calming looks on her face turned into one of murderous rage but is held back by Ethan.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Bitch?" Sam asked pushing the girl away from her, having to be held back by Mind, Chad and Tara.

"Shut the fuck up about my sister!" Maya yanked away from her boyfriend and smashed one of the girls phones onto the ground and slammed her foot down onto it.

"You'll pay for that!"

"How about you shut your fucking trap!" Snapped Maya, "Stop trying to be that girl bitch!"

Ethan pulled Maya back from jumping on the girl.

"You guys should stay away from her! She knows what she did!"

"I didn't do anything!" Sam yelled back; the group of college bitch ran away laughing.

Mindy, Chad, Anika and Tara all walked ahead of Ethan, Maya and Sam; "I, uh, I have tissues if you want tissues."

Maya smiled fondly at her boyfriend as he pulled out three tissues, "I have three tissues." Sam grabbed them and stared at her sister's boyfriend strangely.

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